The Double Edged Sword of Special Abilities

Many people want abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis, but they don't realize that having these abilities requires a great amount of responsibility, because it's very easy to use these abilities to harm others.  For example, a person with telekinesis could very easily cause someone else to have a brain aneurysm.  A person may not want to harm someone else, but by trying to not think about the 'pink elephant' of harming someone else, the pink elephant can easily become the primary focus, resulting in harm.

Telepathy seems less dangerous than telekinesis, but many people don't understand that having the power to receive messages is only telepathy's first aspect.  The second, less known aspect of telepathy is that a telepath's ability to receive messages is proportional to a telepath's ability to transmit messages.  Therefore, if a telepath has harmful thoughtforms, these harmful thought-forms will transmit into others, causing others to have these same harmful thought-forms, believing them to be their own.  These thought-forms are often intertwined with emotion.  Thus, a telepath who has issues transmits these issues into others.  The worse the issues, the worse the harm.

The spiritual community wants the power of instant manifestation, yet when I ask myself if I am ready for the power of being able to instantly manifest anything I think, the answer is "No way!"  There are negative thoughts that I often have that I would absolutely never want to instantly manifest.  The physical world has boundaries where it takes continued time and focus to manifest through patterns of thinking.  This gives a way for people to more effectively make a choice as to what is really desired, and filter out what is undesired.

Perhaps higher realms are simpler and do not have the potential for as many problems compared with the physical world.  Someone with special abilities needs to have a connection with their higher self, which exists in these higher realms, being guided by the power of love, and not the love of power, and/or be in an undefined state that transcends the duality of the power of love vs. the love of power.  

The reason for the need to have a certain level of 'purity' to have special abilities is to help ensure that these special abilities will not be used to cause harm.  This is probably why, for example, David Wilcock states that being more oriented as "service to others" is a prerequisite for having special abilities.  

The spiritual community may want it all right now, but perhaps haven't thought it through enough.  People need to seriously self-reflect, and ask themselves what powers they are really ready for.  These abilities are a very serious matter.  This is not to say that having special abilities cannot be super fun, but this is not some fantasy movie flick.  There can be many unexpected surprises, some of which are pleasant, and some of which are more than one bargained for. 


  1. Yeah, maybe when one becomes free of the anomaly, one gets the powers because there's no intent to abuse the powers.


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