Dream Journal 11 - Can't Stand Being on Earth


I'm with a group of people, walking to some destination.  One of the people is a girl in her 20's who has bleached white hair.  She starts saying that she's sorry, but she hates being on Earth and needs to be with her people.  She starts sobbing, and then I hold her, and I start sobbing as well.  There's a strong knowing between us that Earth is so wrong and messed up, and that we both very badly need to go home.  

Thoughtform heard shortly after this dream:  Likely a member of the negative elites or someone working for the negative elites is concerned, and says, "We need to hack this."

Perspective: I've always felt like I never belonged here.  Especially since the plandemic and all the abuse that came along with the plandemic, this feeling of not wanting to be on Earth has dramatically increased.  I hate being on Earth with every fiber of my being right now.  Everything seems so pointless here.  Earth is nothing more than a dismal failure - a shadow of what life is meant to be.  I'm not sad right now.  My tears have turned into anger.  Earth has become so pathetic, and really, Earth always was pathetic to me, with all the pointless wars, starvation, corruption, and seemingly endless forms of abuse, ad nauseam.

However, if people stand up and retake their basic freedoms, and if the negative elites are forever defeated, maybe Earth doesn't have to be such a screw-up anymore.  But yeah.  I could definitely relate to this girl.  It really has always sucked to be here.  We both had a deep inner knowing that we belong amongst the stars with other advanced beings instead of being... here.  Yet, nature is very calming.  In nature, I feel like I belong.  But almost everywhere else, Earth is a dystopia not worth living in.  I don't want to end this on such a negative note, but maybe it's ok to allow myself to feel these emotions, instead of trying to suppress them.  Maybe to "Hold the Light" I need to allow myself to feel what I feel.  I guess it depends? 


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