My Experience of the Latest Solar/Geomagnetic Storm, and an Opportunity

The latest solar/geomagnetic storm was the strongest I've seen since I started monitoring the Planetary K index several years ago:

With previous solar/geomagnetic storms, I was more unbalanced.  However, overall, this latest one was enjoyable.  When the graph maxed out, I experienced harmony, heightened awareness, and vigor.  Perhaps also, the planet is now much more ready for the massive solar/geomagnetic storm that will take place during the Event.


Covid has been in my 'hologram' lately.  This is probably because the WHO is having a meeting toward the end of this month for their 'pandemic agreement.'  I embrace this as an opportunity to help educate others on the failure of the vaccines, and easy ways to drastically strengthen the immune system.  The supplement N-acetylcysteine is one such example.  

I'll keep it simple this time and state the obvious:  The covid vaccines and boosters have been ineffective.  There were, and are, far superior methods of treatment. 


I'm almost done with summarizing Chapter 13 of Reality Transurfing.  Will post soon.   


  1. I had a bit of insomnia as well. When I went to sleep though, the dreams were more empowering.
    I agree, the vax has killed more people than covid. The deaths won't be a planet-wide genocide like some say though. Currently, I place vax deaths in the millions, but not hundreds of millions. Cancer was already guaranteed to soar by 2030 before the vax as well, because the microbiome of humanity is basically in a death spiral. The vax definitely didn't help matters, adding insult to injury.

  2. Yeah, pendulums are the ultimate energy vampires. Evil was an experiment in duality that went wrong. All-possibility included anti-possibility - the anomaly. I get that way too trying to think about it! 😸🙏

  3. This documentary was made in 2018 which goes into it how much trouble the surface population is in health-wise. I don't know if there's a way to translate into French though, sorry!

    Defintely, those who were a part of the vax campaign need to be brought to justice. I'm just going for as much accuracy as possible, looking at both the forest and the trees.

  4. I have from enemy to friend co working..I AM so happy its work...

  5. I was just mentioning that. Oops! You're ahead of me! 😆
    That's and absolutely massive flare, wow!

  6. Compensation should be given priority to those who dare to say “NO” to government tyranny. They have lost their freedom, dignity and jobs for justice.

  7. yanggongzi2000, I totally agree! The ones who said "NO" are true heroes! I'm proud to be one of them.

  8. The big thing I have been seeing with the vax is the nanotech. Doctors running blood samples and showing the self-assembling/regenerating aspect of these things. Nano antennaes etc. This is electromagnetic frequency, and in their own words (creators of nanotech) it can be programmed by frequencies to "drop the payload" to the targeted cell. It is crazy, DEFINITELY need to take care of the body as best we can. It is in our foods, water, air, vax, medicine everything. I can provide amazing links should anyone want to see the samples and articles themselves on this.

    1. All the more reason for greater solar activity! May it all fry.

  9. Same feeling with you. Dear starlight432. Am Feeling so charing and full of energy during and after those carzy solar activity days!
    More Like a battery over charging too much beyond it's old limit !!!
    Vitamin C + MSM + N-acetylcysteine
    daily 2~3 times , already eat those recipe 6 years to detoxification daily.
    You are 👍, I deeply knowing the most hard time is passed across never come back
    ..Let we hearts by hearts.
    Light connecting light to the finally!
    Freedom belong to each beings .belong to mama Gaia!

    1. Excellent health protocol! MSM is a really good one for sulfur. I combined the NAC with a zinc lozenge. There's even colloidal zinc on the market.
      Indeed, the Light comes through.

  10. I read from the silver legion site (now shut down which is extremely unfortunate) and this is what they have to say about source and the universe (they talk about this in context of multi dimensional way so excuse my lack of vocab in this area): primary anomaly exists because it comes from faulty code inputted into Source when it was being created...intentionally. universe incubators or such. They wanted to create worlds that they could control. Universe and everything in it is made of fractals, in which case, all negative beings and expressions of negative energy would be reflecting that bad code causing primary anomaly. If left to fester, the end result would be the universe folds in on itself, annihilating existence itself, as if source had a cancer develop from this virus-like code. They mentioned having a difficult time getting the word out to the Tree Tenders because anomaly was blocking connections from source and those that were trying to contact each other about the problem. (Similarly to how humans have lost connection to the divine spirit/source etc). Supposedly the 3 scientists for lack of better word, were caught and destroyed. That sounded like it was quite a few years or decades ago and now We've just been left with the clean up, essentially. Source and this universe is young and was made intentionally ill, but the light forces, lets call them the immune system, is killing off the cancer that is primary anomaly, seeing as the cause of it has been removed a long time ago. Take it as you will but I found this information while ago very very interesting.

  11. I said no as well. My father, who was a brilliant musician, 70 and very independent, got the Vax, along with his whole church group. A month later they all got covid and my beloved Poperoni died, murdered, I say. What's worse, they wouldn't let anyone in to see him, so he was in hospital alone for 9 days. All we could do was call him everyday they would put it on speaker phone and talk to him, rather, at him for a couple days. I would tell him to fight, that we loved him and of course a stupid joke or two.....I can't believe it's already been nearly 2 years. Eastwards.



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