Where Do I Belong?

A person's value to society is calculated by how much money this person has.  There are exceptions to this, as is the case with the negative elites who obtain money through deception and mass murder, but I am not a negative elite.  Therefore, my value to society is calculated by how much money I have.

I've never been a valued member of society, because I've never had much money.  I'm not stating this from a place of victimhood though.  I haven't made any great invention or product that benefits society.  I don't have any special skills that benefit society, nor am I interested in developing such skills.  Thus, I've been poor my entire adult life.  

I may have next to nothing to offer this world.  I may not be meant for this world at all, and so perhaps I should no longer be in this world.  This doesn't mean that I don't have any value in other worlds.  In other worlds, perhaps I have something of value to give.  However, in the 3D Earth upon which I currently reside, I am nearly worthless.  I have just enough value to survive.  I drive a nearly 30 year old 3 cylinder car.  My apartment is super-small and doesn't even have a sink.  My entire life, I've been just scraping by.  So, it wasn't a big deal for me to stand up and say "No" to all the covid restrictions at work and quite possibly lose my job, because I didn't have much to lose in the first place.

It does hurt to know that I am of little to no value to 3D Earth, but alas, maybe I should move on to a different world.  I'm saddened by this, but maybe it's time for me to go.  I will probably end up holding on as long as I can with what I have.  I can last for a few months longer, but this will run me out of my savings, and I will then be completely broke.  I could do magick for money.  Maybe I will find another way to make money.  I'm not closed to these possibilities, but my overall feeling is that I have practically nothing to contribute to this world, so I should leave.  Yes.  The feeling is very strong that I should leave.

I will focus on holding the light, and look at my possibly leaving this world as just a choice to move on to a different world where I have value.  There must be a world where I have value.  I refuse to believe that I have no value in any world.  It's just that I have practically no value in this world.   

I will end this with the Statement of Faith, which helps to negate this very strong feeling that I should leave this world:

I as the embodiment of the Cosmic Central Sun, Galactic Central Sun, and Solar Sun, declare the following:

I don't care what the media says.  I don't care what other people say.  I don't care what I see and hear in the dreamstate/visionstate.  I don't care what happens in the external world.  I have faith that Earth shall be fully liberated, eternally.  There is no force or power that can stop Earth's full, eternal liberation.  

Victory of the Light!


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