I Said Something They Didn't Like

Every single way possible, on every single level, I am being attacked.  My thoughts attack me.  My emotions attack me.  My health attacks me.  My family/extended family holds me in low regard, so this is an attack.  I am politically attacked.  Psychologically attacked.  Emotionally attacked.  Psychically attacked.  Money will soon become a problem, so I am financially attacked.  

About 30 minutes ago, I had thoughts about how much worse my life will get - even worse than it already is, for not getting the experimental drug - how I would practically have no freedoms anymore and so forth.  The thoughts were to try to coerce me into getting the experimental drug.  There was this main thought:  "Oh, if I just get the vaccine, all this harassment will be over, I will be able to live my life, and I can finally get some peace."  Then, I said out loud, "You can't make me do a fucking thing."  Immediately after saying this, my left arm had an intense stinging sensation.  Yeah.  I pissed them off, whoever they are, when I said that.  Yeah.  I know what this is all about.  It was never about human safety and well-being.  Never.  It's always been all about domination.  Control. 

You can't make me do a fucking thing. 


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