Dream Journal 9

This is a set of miscellaneous updates instead of just a dream journal update.  Regarding the dreams:

In the waking state, there was a strange sound, kind of like a vacuum cleaner in the distance but with a slightly higher pitch than a vacuum cleaner.  This sound was auditory as I was trying to sleep.  I plugged my ears to see if it was an external noise.  It was not.  The sound was inside my head.  I began to worry if this would be permanent and get worse.  Then I went back to sleep, and dreamed of the sound being louder, and I panicked, thinking that this noise would drive me insane and I would have no choice but to commit suicide to make it stop.  I then woke up and was relieved that it was an external noise in the bathroom (I'm in another living space as a visitor.)  There was still an auditory noise in my head though, but seemed fainter than before.

Other dreams were 'random stuff.' 

In the visionstate, I had brief visions of rainbow light coming through.  There is quite a bit of love and light, but there's still an extremely dense barrier that mostly blocks it.  The attacks are severe.  I'm getting stinging/burning sensations again, and my emotional state is definitely 'sub-optimal.'  I'm feeling very strong emotions of frustration and anger lately.  I'm using considerable self-control to resist physically throwing objects, and screaming, and so forth.  The rage comes and goes, so it's not always like this.  Perhaps the surface population is very angry.  Maybe the volcano in the Canary Islands is so severe because people are so angry.  I'm not sure if there has ever been a grid ratio failure that has lasted this long.  There are of course many other possibilities regarding the volcano.  I don't know if there is any connection between mass consciousness and natural disasters.  There are so many other variables to consider.    

Health update: I'm doing 120 push-ups a day now - 4 sets of 30.  I'm getting stronger again but I still have a high need for rest.  I take several naps per day.

"Bridge Between Worlds" update:  That post was written in the spirit of negotiation, but people who believe in the mainstream media would dismiss anything I have to say because of all the metaphysical subject matter I cover on this blog.  I would be regarded as a whack-job, and so any logical arguments I make would be invalidated through ad hominem logical fallacies against me, which is unfortunate.  

Furthermore regarding attacks:  The attacks are mainly to make me feel as though I'm the only one who has anti-tyrannical perspectives regarding covid and the experimental drug.  I'm being led to believe that everyone else believes the narrative, so there must be something wrong with me.  This is of course not true.  There are several tens of millions of people in the United States who are against covid and experimental drug tyranny.  

The attacks are also designed to get me to question my beliefs and wonder if I'm completely wrong about everything.  More specifically, that I'm wrong about the experimental drug - that the experimental drug indeed does work, and that Fauci and the rest are not bad guys at all - that my beliefs are conspiracy theory nonsense and that I'm just a gullible fool who has been entertaining lunacy to satisfy my own paranoid delusions.  Maybe there are no attacks at all, and I'm just a screw-ball.  I'm open to this possibility, but I regard this possibility as remote.


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