Accelerated Healing

Just did a fairly hard-core work-out, and am feeling quite a bit stronger now.  Doing the whey protein powder again, but this is the only non-vegan source of protein.  No bizarre eating a pound of yogurt a day anymore.  It wasn't a matter of turning off the codes (amino acids/peptides), but was instead a matter of decreasing mucus and removing energy blockages in the body.  Right now I feel absolutely invincible.

Connecting to the light of the Sun.  I love the healing power of the Sun.  The light feels so amazing!  It's so empowering!  The Sun gets taken for granted all too often. 

Should I not even make posts when I'm feeling stronger because it allows them to prepare?  I don't know.  I think it's ok.  I don't really care.

Here are some lyrics that can be listened to that are very empowering.  As with most songs, not all the lyrics are empowering.  One has to pay attention to specific parts.  I try to find empowering lyrics from time to time.



I used to do over 100 push-ups a day.  Today it was around 50, but I could keep going. My heartbeat is still a bit off from time to time, but it's doing much better since I've eliminated all sources of dairy with the exception of the bio-whey powder.

I'm back in the driver's seat.  I'll try not to let it go to my head. 🙂

You can do anything, anything.



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