Dream Journal 7 - No Dreams of Significance, However...

My dreams were of no significance this time.  I dreamed of conflicts regarding why I don't have a romantic partner in my life and why I'm always alone -  blah blah blah sort of stuff that's not worth mentioning - blame being placed on me for 'not being assertive enough to get a partner.'  Bleh.

Yesterday, however, during a nap, I had a vision of pink light surrounding a large area.  The large area of pink light had golden gates around it.  

Unrelated to my dreamstate/visionstate, where I live received rain last night!  I live in the Western part of the US.  The Western part of the US desperately needs rain.  It was very unusual for rain to come this time of year.  Usually it takes around another month for rain season to start.  There are 3 possibilities:

1. The light forces are now more able to physically intervene.

2. I contacted a weather magick group in discord asking for assistance with rain magick, and someone managed to pull it off.

3. A combination of possibilities 1 and 2. 

The rain was in synchronicity with me watching an episode of The Orville where there's rain at the end:



Quite the synchronicity 😊


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