Two Opposing Spiritual Views

(Although I didn't plan on mentioning myself in this post, I will be mentioning some of my own experiences to provide examples.) 

Certain factions of the cabal are possibly this way:

Intense suffering is seen to activate superhuman abilities, including psychic abilities.  Intense suffering is a tool for reaching altered states.  The darker they go, the more powerful the abilities they access.  In an old video there was an occultist talking about the black sun, and how the cabal would go into the black sun to access the light.  The imagery was of the upright tree of life with the light above, then the inverted tree of life beneath, and then the light existing below the inverted tree.  

It's important to note that ancient warrior tribes had rites of initiation which often entailed great suffering.  The reason some occultists put hooks in their backs hanging from the ceiling is to make themselves go out of their bodies.  There are many other forms of torture which are used for this purpose.

I myself have had experiences with torture by accident.  One such instance was when I ate a dish of food that was spicy beyond anything anyone should ever eat.  My stomach later was in so much pain that my soul began to separate from my body.  First the body releases endorphins for making the pain go away, and then there is an energy that can be felt in the body as a strong tingling.  The suffering has to reach a sufficient level for this separation of body and soul to occur.

In addition to physical torture, sexual torture is also used.  The cabal combine physical and sexual torture against children to make them go out of their bodies to a place that feels safe.  This is done so specific programming can be placed into the consciousnesses of the children, in addition to unlocking special abilities.  Many stars were perhaps tortured as children to unlock special acting and singing abilities.  

It can be seen as a birthing process.  When the suffering reaches a certain threshold, hidden aspects deep within come forth.

Although I do not condone these unspeakable acts to unlock the untold secrets of consciousness and hidden abilities, I myself have experienced physical and psychological torture.  This was not done by anyone else against me.  I was foolish enough to fall upon torturing myself by accident with health protocols that went terribly wrong.  There is a previous post called "One Of My Experiences With Torture" that goes into this a bit. 

Torture is a very unbalanced path to accessing the light, but certain factions of cabal may embrace the light.  The light may not be all they seek, but the light is not shunned, unlike many other factions of the cabal who at their core hate any and all light.  The cabal are very complicated because there are so many different types.  I'm curious if the "Gnostic Illuminati" mentioned by Benjamin Fulford seek Gnosis through intense suffering.

The flip side to torture is that consciousness can be severely damaged, whereas, the mind can fracture to such a degree to cause madness.  "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is not 100% true.  When I underwent accidental self-torture, I began to have symptoms of schizophrenia.  I would close my eyes and see and hear bizarre things beyond my ability to describe.  Fortunately in my case, this was not permanent.  Sarah Adams, who is a super soldier, stated that there were those who did not survive or went insane from training programs which involved torture.

Where am I going with all of this?  The light forces state that suffering is not a valid path to ascension.  Suffering was never intended as a necessary part of evolution, according to the Galactic Codex.  Yet, there are those in the spiritual community who disagree.  The spiritual community has these two opposing views regarding suffering:

1. Without dark there can be no light.  Suffering is a great teacher for enlightenment.

2. Suffering is unnecessary for enlightenment and only serves the purposes of the negative forces.  

Perhaps when the clearing reaches completion there will be a resolution to these two opposing viewpoints, offering much needed clarity and solutions for those who embrace suffering as a primary evolutionary path.  I myself intellectually agree with the 2nd viewpoint, but underneath my intellectual understanding, deeper parts of me may resonate with the 1st viewpoint as a result of accidentally torturing myself on more than one occasion.  Others may be similar, wanting to agree with the 2nd viewpoint, but have had very difficult lives and operate in accordance with the 1st viewpoint.

As a final thought, these two opposing views may be another underlying reason why lightworkers at times get into disagreements with one another.


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