Humanity, Get Busy

(Note: This has no relation in any way whatsoever to September 18th protests planned at the Capitol.  The September 18th protests are nothing more than a deep state operation.  Trump is controlled opposition, in addition to being a promoter of the experimental drug campaign.)

If the cabal was removed years ago like they should have been, humanity would now be eons ahead in development, living lives superior to Star Trek.

Humanity was meant to go for the stars and beyond.  Instead, humanity is being required to get experimental drugs and wear face masks just to be able to work slave-wage jobs, because the cabal was not removed years ago like they should have been.

Humanity's evolutionary development has been delayed, spat on, and stomped into the ground, because the cabal was not removed years ago like they should have been.

Life has become a total fucking freak show joke, because the cabal was not removed years ago like they should have been.

Humanity, get busy and do what must be done, or be slaves to getting booster shots for the rest of your lives just to be able to go grocery shopping.  That's where it's all headed - more variants get introduced, with more mandatory booster shots for these variants, in perpetuity.  Good luck being human in that scenario.  

Get busy.


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