
Showing posts from September, 2021

Full Knowledge of Ascension is Humanity's Birthright

In our solar system: Earth is Mother/Matter. Sol is Father. Sentient beings/species are prodigal children destined for ascension. Planets that sustain life provide a childhood for beings/species destined for ascension.  Earth is called "Mother Earth" as an actual mother who raises these beings/species.  When these beings/species are 'old enough,' they 'leave the nest' by colonizing space.  All beings/species destined for ascension are supposed to go out and explore the vastness of space.  Eventually, when the physical universe is mastered/perfected by beings/species destined for ascension, they 'ascend to higher realms.'   Sol develops the 'light of the soul.'  Sol develops soul.  Sol is the light that sustains all life on Earth, and thus also the 'light within.' Both Mother/Matter and Father are of course necessary for life.  Ascension is the birthright of humanity.  This birthright has been violated by other beings who are on paths of...

My Limitations and Decision

My goal was to seek flaws in the experimental drug narrative using official graphs and numbers, but alas, this has too many limitations to actually get anywhere; using covid graphs and numbers can actually end up backfiring because there are so many variables to explain why the numbers do what they do.  There's always an explanation someone can come up with to explain any inconsistencies in the numbers and graphs, such as the time of year affecting travel, different restrictions being implemented or lifted, and so on.  Therefore, I will no longer be using official covid statistics to find flaws in the experimental drug narrative.  This wasn't nearly as strong of a 'chess piece' as I previously thought.  I will instead refer to The Spartacus Letter, as this document comes from inside testimony from those who have the necessary knowledge and scientific background to make a valid case.   I'm well-versed in being able to use words to make decent arguments, but ...

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COVID-19 - The Spartacus Letter

The following is an article written by a doctor who has chosen to remain anonymous.  I read this from start to finish.  It's VERY worth the time to read in its entirety.  Even DARPA is exposed!  The original PDF has already been deleted (probably the negative elites panicking trying to censor it), but fortunately it has been re-uploaded on many different sites.  This was taken from Hal Turner's site.  He has parts that are highlighted so I used his.  He probably wouldn't mind as long I source his article here: COVID-19 The Spartacus Letter    Hello, My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.   We have been forced to watch America and the Free World spin into inexorable decline due to a biowarfare attack. We, along with countless others, have been victimized and gaslit by propaganda and psychological warfare operations being conducted by an...