
Showing posts from 2020

Something Exists

One thing I found in common between most who have 'inside information' is they see themselves as saviors.  David Wilcock believes himself to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and that his intel will liberate the planet.  The author of the Cobra blog stated that he saved Earth from annihilation on multiple occasions.  Jay Essex stated he is the reincarnation of Gandhi and will fix everything 'once he gets out of his body' (dies).  Kim "Possible" states that she has virtually identical DNA to the original Eve and that she has the highest level clearance on the planet for distribution of all the world's money, and she is denying the cabal the power to enslave/genocide humanity by completely cutting off their funds.  There are probably more examples of people like this out there who have managed to gain large followings.  Are any of them telling the truth, or are they all just lying on purpose or are delusional?  Only time will tell.   The only...

A Christmas Story

Santa got Covid. Then he got the vaccine. Now there's no more Santa. The End

Considerable Increase in US Population Despite 'Pandemic'

This is something I decided to check out. Here is the population for the United states over the last 3 years:  Dec 1, 2020 330.66 million Dec 1, 2019 329.02 million  Dec 1, 2018 327.43 million  Doing some basic subtraction with these dates, there was a 1.59 million increase in population from 2018 to 2019. From Dec. 1, 2019 to Dec. 1, 2020, there was a 1.64 million increase. During this ‘pandemic,’ there was an even greater population increase than the prior year! Some could say it’s because of ‘increased immigration.’ With these lockdowns and travel restrictions though, there would actually be less instead of more immigration. Just thought I’d point the numbers out for arsenal against the propaganda that Covid has been so deadly to the US. Others could do this for their own countries as well. They would probably have similar findings. Source for numbers: 

How to Reduce the World's Population by 90%

This petition is the most awesome petition you will ever sign! And this meditation is the most awesome meditation! I have a bit of an ability to do mind-reading, and maybe I was able to get inside the minds of the cabal.  Here's their possible (probable?) plan: The vaccines will be lethal, not killing immediately, but in the near future by destroying the immune system and so forth.  The v accine deaths (from those who at first choose to get vaccinated) will be blamed and recorded as deaths from the new Covid strain.  Because we are saying that our vaccines also protect against the new Covid strain, the artificially higher mortality from the new Covid strain (vaccine deaths) will be used as leverage to force vaccinate the rest of the population.  Also, make a small portion of the vaccines nonlethal, in a for...

Seeing Reality for Myself

I thought Benjamin Fulford's idea of going to hospitals and investigating for oneself was a good idea.  I live on the West coast, and cases are said to be particularly high in my county.  Here is an article about the hospital: Here is the Bay Area Hospital mentioned in the above article, in Coos Bay, Oregon on Friday December 18, 2020, at around 2:30 pm.  I don't know about the mentioned hospital beds running out from the news article, but I found that this hospital was not super busy and had many empty parking spaces:  

If Benjamin Fulford is Correct

If Benjamin Fulford is correct about Covid being a global scam, this would mean that the number of people who are a part of this scam is far greater than most would think.  I had the thought-form that the number of people it would take to keep the scam going would be around 1 in 20 people, or maybe even more.  There would be no other way to keep the scam going unless a very substantial portion of the surface population is participating.  I'm not pointing this out to say that Fulford is incorrect.  He may very well be correct.   The problem is that for the vast majority of the surface population, the situation is this: If you give someone enough money, this person will do JUST ABOUT ANYTHING. Pay someone enough money to be a crisis actor, and 9 times out of ten (or more), this person will gladly comply.  This makes the surface population look really bad, especially to positive Ets.  I really hope that I'm exaggerating here, and there are less peopl...

Taking Our Power Back

If people feel that the next Cobra mass meditation will create real changes, then by all means do so.  I will probably participate in the meditation myself.  However, I'm not going to rely on the meditation, nor the light forces, to save the world.  I'm not waiting anymore.  The time is now, and here is what I have to say: The Cobra blog states this in their December 15th update: "If the critical mass is reached, the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly in the global situation, start dissolving the Matrix, and a cascade of events will follow that will inevitably lead to the Age of Aquarius. If we wish to achieve an impact on the physical plane and reach the critical mass, tt is extremely important that we do our meditation exactly at the time which has been determined by the Light Forces to have the maximum positive impact..." This is the problem.  The Cobra blog encourages people to rely on the light forces to enact real change on earth.  I...

'Not Quite Ready'

This is a response to David Wilcock's latest video.  I want to point out that I'm not trolling him here, but felt that it was important to point something out very strongly.   Here's his latest video on youtube: In this video, Wilcock states that first contact will not happen yet because 'people aren't quite ready.' My response is this: No one was ready for this whole 'COVID NWO thing,' but people are learning to stand up for their rights.  There are countless things that happen to people that they are 'not ready for,' but they still happen, and people learn to be able to handle it.  That's why I 100% disagree that people are not ready for first contact.  People would definitely be able to handle first contact right now.  It may be a shock to them, but how would this shock be any different to them than, for example, the birthing process itself?  The baby isn't premature either.  The baby's already been in ...

Free Choice

Someone who has 25% accurate information regarding the subject of choice makes choice A. If this someone had 100% accurate information on the subject of choice, this someone would have instead made choice B.  Therefore, free choice is maximized when accurate knowledge is maximized.  Free choice cannot exist when information is incomplete and/or inaccurate. The media tries to violate free choice through misinforming people. The media operates like this: “Those others are lying to you, but I’m telling you the truth, so listen to me, and make decisions based on what I’m telling you.”

History of Esoteric Groups/Individuals I Followed (Unfinished Version)

 Desteni Productions I encountered this group in 2008.  The group started out with a girl who was the voice of an interdimensional portal, where different kinds of beings would come through.  Desteni Productions covered a wide range of esoteric topics, including the Annunaki and Atlantis.  According to Desteni Productions, all life everywhere else in the universe has been destroyed through wars, and earth is the last planet with life.  The cause of all of this was the "mind consciousness system."  Only the physical is said to be real, and life is to be "birthed in the physical" by removing all mind-systems, including love.  This group was said by some to be the teachings of the 'illuminatti.'  This controversial group was eventually banned from youtube.  Old videos of portal interviews have returned to youtube.  I watched about 500 of their videos, and was very much a believer 'back in the day.'  I had a falling-out with the group t...

Toying With My Emotions

That's how it feels regarding positive Ets. Maybe there's a small sign here and there that they are out there, but when it comes to the really serious problems that I need help with, positive Ets just aren't there.  I don't like asking for help in the first place.  I like being self-reliant.  But when I wake up in the morning and the area where my kidneys are hurts, and everything thus far that I've done to stop this has failed, I suppose I do need help.  My doctor didn't seem to think anything was wrong with me from the blood tests, but something definitely is wrong when I wake up in the morning feeling absolutely horrible.  It's problems like these, among many other problems, where the really big help is needed, the Pleiadians have always done absolutely nothing to assist.  All kinds of excuses are made of course from the Cobra blog as to why help cannot be provided.  I've had thought-forms come to me where they say that they love me and so forth, bu...

Know Your History

I didn't realize how widespread and severe the abuse has been in the not-so-distant past toward those who didn't want to go along with the agenda.  Waking up is definitely not a pleasant process. Thank you to Spec Ops for informing me about this.      

Message to Positive Ets

See you in the real world. 

My First Protest

I held this sign for close to an hour.  It started raining and was windy but there were quite a few cars on the road.   A girl who was jogging looked at my sign and said that the planet is more clean from the lockdowns.  I told her there are better ways of cleaning up the planet. 

The Final Straw

I will not be participating in any Cobra meditations because there is no proof that the light forces are helping the surface population.  It is unacceptable to just 'wait for the next meditation' to fix everything like this over and over again, for years on end, especially with NWO plans being practically finalized! COVID case numbers are going absolutely insane, and restrictions are returning, with the very real possibility of second lockdowns in many states in the U.S.  Corrupt people in power are, as always, allowed to do whatever they wish at the expense of the surface population.  The numbers speak for themselves: I did the 11/11 meditation, and afterward things just got way worse.  If there will be no positive physical results in 3D for the surface population, I will have to take action against the Cobra blog, because the blog is taking advantage of many well-meanin...

Calories in = Calories Out - Not Necessarily

It's a popular belief that with exercise, calories in = calories out, so it's just a matter of burning enough calories to lose weight.  On the surface, this makes sense.  However, over the past month, I've been jogging about 4 hours a week on average, and the stubborn last bit of weight I was trying to skim off stuck around, and I even gained a couple pounds!  My finding from negative results when jogging so much is that different intensities of exercise have different metabolic effects.  It's probably not a matter of how many calories someone burns off and consumes in a day, but how the body is activated to process the calories.  With jogging, my body wasn't being pushed enough, and probably went into 'storage mode.'  This is why I've stopped jogging and have decided to do a combination of boxing in place on a mat and intervals of jumping jacks for 30 minutes.  The boxing/jumping jacks is more intense, and the first time I did this, I was so sore I h...

I Don't Understand After All

There was something I thought I understood, but I don't.  Not to be cliche, but many successful men in the world say they could not be successful without the support of their women.  If this is true, I'm at an extreme disadvantage, because  I've never had a woman to support me in life (as an adult with a romantic partner).  I don't know what it's like to truly love someone else like this.  I've been 'in love' before, but never actually truly been intimate with a lover and built a lasting relationship with her, so being 'in love' doesn't give me the understanding that comes with actual love being lived. So, regarding the sabotage mentioned on Cobra's post, I don't understand.  I don't think I could ever live with myself knowing that I in large part caused the mass enslavement of humanity on earth, creating an insurmountable amount of suffering from coronavirus NWO plans.  I feel that if I were in a situation where my twin soul was ...

In Excess, Protein Becomes Negatively Psychoactive

Protein is needed for maintaining health, but most people consume more than what is required.  Researching from various sources, the amount of protein required per day is possibly 0.36 grams per pound of body weight.   My own experience is that, just as in the case with excess fructose, excess protein activates various mental problems over time.   Also, it's possible that powdered protein (whey, pea, soy, etc.) is more efficiently utilized compared to food sources.  This is possible because powdered protein has been isolated from food, which may make it easier to absorb.  This has been true at least in my own experience, although I don't have actual studies for official proof.  If this is true. even less than 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight needs to be consumed per day if the protein is in powdered form. 


There are those who have been promoting population reduction for a long time. Here's a question: Why would those who promote population reduction all of a sudden care so much about human safety? It's not even a conspiracy theory.  It's just common sense.  What happened to farmers when the world had all these lockdowns the first time around? “Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition.” At the very least, lockdowns from the coronavirus have made the rich get richer and poor get poorer on a global scale.  At the very worst, continued and/or reinstated lockdowns will collapse the global economy, causing the world's food supply to collapse, resulting in a significant reduction of the world'...

Fructose is Kryptonite

Fructose is what makes sweet food taste sweet.  Sucrose (sugar) is one fructose molecule and one glucose molecule.  If fructose was removed from sugar, the sugar would become pure glucose which would then no longer taste sweet.   Fructose is about equally damaging to the liver compared with alcohol: Fructose intake is also associated with various mental problems: Most fruits people eat in modern times are hybridized to taste sweet.  Before organized agriculture, fruit would taste bitter instead of sweet.  Thus, people promoting fruit as a health food are promoting a scam. Every time I indulge in something sweet, even when making sure the sugar is content is not nearly as high as soda and so forth, I still have mental problems of various kinds as a result.  Starch does not contain fructose unless added during food manufacturing....

Health Update

- Recently switched to a vegetarian diet, but no powdered whey.  Pea protein isolate is so far a success. - Jogged 4.4 miles (7.08 km) in 45 minutes in spite of the smoke yesterday. - Lifting very light weights to avoid raising blood pressure.  4 sets of 75 reps of 5lbs on each arm. - Month 15 of zero alcohol intake.   - Zero psychoactive intake of any kind, with the exception of needed protein. 

One Of My Experiences With Torture

A few years ago, I was intaking small amounts of hydrogen peroxide to increase the oxygen in my bloodstream as a health protocol.  I found that this caused stomach/digestion problems, so I seeked an alternative way.  There are those who inject it, but of course I didn't want to use a needle.  The only other way I could think of to get hydrogen peroxide into my bloodstream was to create a homemade hydrogen peroxide enema.   However, I didn't know that the alkalinity of the hydrogen peroxide was much too strong for the intestines.  It rapidly fizzed up my intestines, and began to eat away at them.  I couldn't flush it out, as it locked my large intestines shut.  I could feel it burning out my insides, and I constantly felt like I had to defecate.  When I strained to defecate though, only blood came out.  I became very weak and thought I was going to die.  I didn't go to the hospital.  I toughed it out for 3 days.  That's how long...

Negative ETs Visit (Again)

Lately I haven't been feeling like myself.  Part of the problem may be that I've been taking whey protein isolate to see the effects.  Whey isolate has a very strange taste to it and may have been causing 'glitches' in my mind.  I'll be doing something and then I forget what I'm doing, or forget how to have basic thoughts.  It can reach the point where I feel like I could almost 'forget who I am' and disappear entirely.  It's definitely not fun! These symptoms were in combination with being visited by some human-grey hybrids in the dreamstate this morning.  They infringed upon my space and were basically tweeking me.  I tried to fight back but they of course had me in a state of being paralyzed.  Afterward for over an hour I was in this tweeked state of believing myself to be in a different place and even a different person.  I knew this wasn't right and had to struggle to figure out where I really was and so forth.  I've had dreams of g...

Draco and Their Minions are Still Running the Show

In the dreamstate, I was speaking with an associate from work.  There was an area that I was denied access to, which was at the corporate level.  There were negotiations taking place in this area, and I eventually found a way to 'interdimensionally' hack into this area.  I then was told to basically "Go back to sleep and be a good worker" by a person in corporate, and my reply was "But I have all these abilities, so why can't I move up to a much higher level?"  I then realized the one I was saying this to had yellow eyes, and these yellow eyes then became reptilian/snake eyes.  I thought I was talking to a person, but this person was clearly not human, and was very dangerous.  Everyone was afraid of him.  I asked the others if anyone would stand up to him, and everyone basically told me "No way!"   ----- Synopsis:  At work lately, there have been changes that are very NWO.  Everything is encouraged to become digital, and a very nast...

To Those Who Fail To Act

The bottom line:  Action or failure to action.  The time for talk and negotiations is OVER.  The planet surface can be purged along with deep underground bases simultaneously.  Those who have the power to act yet fail to act:  You, along with the cabal you fail to purge, are TRAITORS OF HUMANITY.  All the suffering and death inflicted upon the population - their blood is on YOUR hands. 

Victory of the Light

Positive imagery from an image search:            

Out of Control Telepathy?

Part of my problem is I can hear other people's thoughts, and I often don't like what I hear.  I live in an apartment complex where I have neighbors living close, having their door directly across from my door. Today a package was accidentally delivered to my address instead of my neighbor's.  When a package is delivered, the deliverer knocks on my door, and then places the package on the porch in front of the door.  When I opened the door to see what was going on after the deliverer had left, my neighbor opened his door as well.  I read the package, and it had my neighbor's name on it, but it took a while for me to find his name, so it was awkward.  When I finally found his name, I gave it to him.  Later, when not being able to sleep at night, I causally had my neighbor in mind, as he often is active doing various tasks at night, opening and closing his door, sometimes shutting it loudly for some reason.  I heard the thought-form "Thief."  I imme...

The Planet's Actual Infestation

In many ways, humanity has become an infestation on the planet.  I'm not a pseudo-intellectual 'environmentalist' who buys into climate change propaganda and so forth, but humanity has kind of 'trashed the place.'  I can even understand how the cabal could see themselves as being heroes for trying to dramatically reduce the world's population in order to clean things up.   However, it's the same cabal that want to 'clean things up' who have been suppressing technologies that would allow the planet to be ultra clean, even if there were several billions more people living on earth than the current number.  So, the cabal are the ultimate hypocrites, because they like to think of themselves as 'moral,' yet they are actually the very ones responsible for turning the planet into a garbage dump in the first place by suppressing technological innovation on an astronomical level.   Had the cabal not ever existed, Earth's humanity would probably al...

Attacks Continue

This one was a dream of me being the only white guy around (what's the politically correct term now?) black people.  They were nice to me, and I was having fun.  Then a couple of them, who I thought were nice but were not so nice, had guns and knives on them.  They pinned me down with knives, and were about to start cutting me to pieces.  I woke from this dream feeling very unsafe.  Burning sensations were also happening in my legs, which is indicative of an attack.   ----- I did the 12 21 command and 771 command before going to bed.  I guess things just didn't work out so well this time around.  Really not so well at all... I haven't been paying attention to BLM and rioting.  Now I'm shocked to learn that just about every major US city has significant damage from the riots.  Then there are the California fires.  And the coronavirus, and mass murder occurring because of HCQ being withheld because the WHO gave patients toxic amo...

Ascension Dream

In this dream, I was perhaps watching myself in the second person.  I was told that it was time to go home.  Then, a vortex of light opened above, and I went into it.  I alternated frequencies in an unstable way, but the final outcome was that I ascended into the white spectrum of light.   There was a second version of this dream later in the morning, but this version had infiltration from two grand daddy long legs and random unrelated thought-forms.  The grand daddy long legs got caught in spider webs and then disappeared.  In this version I was afraid to ascend. ----- An interesting note about the first version is that the instability of the ascension reveals how end times madness operates.  In my own experience, I will at times have revelations about higher realities, only to later become angry.  I've also noticed that other people can be nice one moment, and then later lash out.  Thus, end times madness is akin to bipolar disorder....

Negative Et's Show Themselves in Dreamstate

In this dream, there were those who were 'chosen ones' selected to go up into ships.  The chosen ones were warned not to go by other native inhabitants.  The Et's then showed themselves, who had elongated heads.  They nonchalantly killed one the native inhabitants for answering one of their questions. One of the Et's then said, "So what if we torture children?  It makes them stronger." (Many details have been left out to avoid being a mega-post.) Analysis: These are the negative Et's who follow the 'evolutionary path' that violates the Galactic Codex in the most extreme ways possible.  Hopefully they will be sent to the GCS very soon. 

12 21 Protocol

I have been doing the latest Cobra protocol since it was posted on August 12, 2020 to have assistance.  And, I have felt energetic assistance.  However, in the dreamstate, I am still attacked on a regular basis.   My latest attacks have been these extremely loud noises.  I was beginning to really open up and ascend in my latest dream, only to be attacked with this noise.  The noise is accompanied by destructive energy of some sort hitting me in the head.  I researched a condition known as "Exploding Head Syndrome," but with EHS, the noise is like a brief gunshot or explosion that wakes a person up.  Instead of being brief, what hits me can be loud and continuous, and I don't always immediately wake up from it.   Other dreams are pure chaos which would take a very long time to describe. Also, when asleep and shortly after I wake up, I can have a strong pulsing sensation in the head.  If strong enough, this turns into some kind of sei...

If the World Becomes Like China, It's All Over

There may have been a 'deal that went down' between China and Australia, which would explain why Melbourne, Australia is experiencing astronomical abuses of human rights.   Regarding human rights, China is a complete nightmare.  China has their social credit score, and the Chinese people have practically no freedoms.  Should the U.S go to war with China though?  No, because that would mean WW3.  However, those responsible for creating and maintaining the NWO in China should be hunted down and exterminated, as Benjamin Fulford often mentions.   Fulford also stated that China killed millions of its own population using 5G attacks: "The Cabal, anticipating this event, tried to bow the Chinese into submission with a failed biological weapons attack and a more successful electromagnetic attack using 5G and satellites.  This attack probably caused millions of casualties in Wuhan, China, according to CIA sources who secretly visited Wuhan after ...

Unclogging the Intestines

Bananas clog the intestines like nothing else I've ever experienced.  After doing a cleanse something very interesting happened.   It's amazing how the smallest matters that seem so unimportant can have such enormous effects on one's power level.    

The Mystery of the Thorn Revealed

This is the primary message that needs to be heard by those who feel that aggression has no place in removing tyranny.          It's also a part of the fighting spirit in the U.S that stopped the cabal from creating the next Melbourne Australia or dystopian China.  Many 'health officials' in the U.S have already been forced to step down.     Thank You Bear Heart!

Solar Initiation vs Lunar Initiation

SirisKing is one of my favorite youtube channels because he provides authentic perspectives rarely encountered in the modern world.   "In any true lunar system, one of the first things they know is, you can take the most physical activity that humans have, and if you can see the spirituality of that activity, it supersedes anything..."

Message to Cobra Regarding 'Initiation'

This post is in regards to Cobra's post on August 12, 2020, found here: Planetary Initiation "You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it. You can reframe isolation/social distancing into meditative retreat, you can reframe hand washing into spiritual purification and you can reframe mask wearing into occult silence which is always needed before the initiation. By doing so you can shift the energies of the negative Corona ritual into positive energies of spiritual initiation/breakthrough." ----- My reply:  I see what you are saying about re-framing perspective, but thousands of people are being murdered in order to keep this charade going.  Something much more drastic than re-framing is very much needed. Article: "Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Media are waging an all-out WAR against humanity, and their goal is to mass murder as many human beings as possible before they are stop...

Dissolution of Murphy's Law

If the anomaly was not stopped, the possibilities for abuse are beyond the imagination.  Even with all the abuse that has already transpired in existence, only a fraction of the possible forms of abuse have manifested.  The manifestation of the anomaly is abuse, while the anomaly itself is the possibility of abuse. The end result of the transformation the universe is going through will not only end all abuse, but will make any future abuse impossible.  Murphy's Law will no longer exist because there will be nothing that can go wrong.  It will be impossible to be disconnected from Source.   Choice will still exist, but all possible choices will be incapable of manifesting abuse.   

When the Healing Fails

In regards to my previous post, when visualizing golden light from the sun to heal the stomach area is ineffective, there is always sheer will.  This 'thing' doesn't play nice.  It doesn't play nice now, and it didn't play nice nearly a decade ago when it started.  I don't have to play nice either.  The rose has thorns for a reason.  A human can be tortured over and over, but the spirit can never be defeated.  So when I'm relentlessly tormented (especially when at work), I stop giving any more fucks and I smash right through every cursed moment.  Yep, it's time to get out the hammer.  I'm stronger than this thing, and I will outlast it.  I can outlast anything through my immortal will.  The spirit can never be destroyed.  I can never be destroyed.      

Healing the Navel/Solar Plexus Area

I will often get these horrible feelings in my stomach area.  These horrible feelings are accompanied by having my mind placed in disgusting dystopian environments, or mutated feelings implanted into places I used to know.  I can't really describe how awful it feels, and how hopeless I would get because I was being forced to feel what I did not want to feel.  I don't know if I'm being targeted, or if it's some kind of cancer, or just 'in my head.'  The "Command 771" protocol may have been helping me figure out what I need to visualize to negate whatever this 'thing' is whenever it shows itself.  Visualizing golden sunrises and sunsets helps to negate the inorganic feelings.   

Taking a Chance

I wasn't sure of whether or not to reveal what happened to me close to a week ago, but decided to go ahead and post about it.  I cashier at a grocery store, and I had a family come through the checkout line with a huge order of food and clothes.  When the order was completely rung up, the total was exactly $771.  There was a roundup to the next dollar the customer said "yes" to, but that doesn't negate the significance of the total being exactly $771.  Those who follow will surely know what I'm referring to when mentioning the numbers 771.  The total being this amount definitely cannot be blown off as mere 'coincidence.'  Sirius-ly, what are the odds of this number showing up like this!?  The family of people didn't seem to be different than other customers either.  Also, most orders are not this high.  I haven't had an order this high since last Thanksgiving.   I was doing the "Command 771" protocol a day before ...

The Mind Can Get in the Way

A primary characteristic of Source is that Source is unpredictable.  So when accessing Source (or whatever it is I'm accessing lol!), I never know what I'm going to come up with.  That's how creation should work.  It would be so boring if everything was predictable.  One nature of infinity is that infinity is outside of predictability.  When planetary liberation occurs, something unpredictable may happen that has never happened before. A new creation that has never before been created may be created.  This is why I don't even like to visualize any kind of golden age utopia in a meditation, because Source is far more spontaneous than any kind of visualization from the mind.  The mind trying to visualize something usually just gets in the way of things.  Just being present can be enough.  That's been my experience anyway.  I guess it just depends though.  There are instances when visualization of something specific is necessary. Regar...