These 3 Words

The 3 words:

I Am Undefined.

Other words have been used as well that are similar, such as the Unmanifest and the Unmoved Mover.

I arrived at these 3 words because some of the worst definitions have been assigned to me.  I arrived at these 3 words through humiliation and abuse, but arrived, I have.  

Beyond even the Light, there is Source, and Source is Undefined. 

Creation has definitions, aspects, parameters, and so forth.  Yet, creation can be experienced as Undefined.  Ridding the mind of all definitions, labels, judgements, and so forth, allows for the Undefined experience of form.   All metaphysical realms can be experienced as Undefined as well.

Especially whenever the world tries to put one in a box, one can know one's true divinity by stating over and over, whether out loud or internally, I Am Undefined. 

The world still must be 'dealt with.'  One cannot be in an Undefined state all the time, at least not yet.  True science is not disregarded.  Using labels and definitions to understand the world can be very useful.  It can also be fun to explore various definitions.  Yet, oneself 'knows thyself' through knowing oneself as Undefined.

Here is a somewhat crude but effective analogy:  What makes a strawberry taste like a strawberry, or a cherry, a cherry?  They are differentiated and identified, yet are ultimately Unknowable.  

All experiences can be differentiated, but are ultimately Unknowable.  That is the great mystery, which is can also be a great inspiration. 


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