David Wilcock's Astonishing Latest Video

David Wilcock really surprised me when he revealed the possible extent of the abuse he went through in his past at around 7 minutes in:


He becomes (understandably) very serious and emotional in the above video.  I definitely know that he is sincere.

It's possible for accidentally made up memories to occur under hypnotism, and then people believe them to be real.  People have done that before with hypnosis.  Also, it's possible to have dreams of others being abused, being them in the first person, while thinking it's one's own abuse.  I've done that before.  

I don't mean to say that Wilcock is not seeing things clearly though.  This is a huge 'can of worms' to figure out.  I hope he gets to the bottom of what happened in his childhood.

I have memory lapses from childhood as well, along with other strange occurrences. 

This is very heroic of David, and all the best to him!

When I encounter abuse in the dreamstate, and abusive thoughtforms, I focus on the Violet Flame and access Source.  This clears it.

Let the Light come through!  



  1. Regardless of one's opinion of Cobra/2012portal, whether for or against, it's important to recognize that the Violet Flame and Flower of Life were used before Cobra/2012portal existed. These are very powerful tools in their own right, independent of any particular source(s) of intel.

  2. The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchezedek. Excellent Reads


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