Addressing More Stupidity

Now I get told in the dreamstate, "You can obtain a skill in the world and 'make something of yourself,' but you are just a slave either way."

My stance:

It's true that everyone is a slave, and this is a prison planet.  However, there's bad, and there's worse.  

Bad: Living on a prison planet that has technologies that provide basic necessities.

Worse: Living on a prison planet where people live in a stone-age environment, having to fend for themselves against the elements, spending every waking moment just trying to survive.

Those who say "It's all just slavery just the same" should go live in the wilderness and have to fend for themselves without food and shelter.  No smartphones either.  

It was those who aspired to learn skills and worked their asses off who got humanity where it is today.  No, it's not super-exceptional.  There is no free energy, interplanetary travel, and all the other awesome stuff that we would already have if the negative forces were eliminated like they should have been long ago, however, at least most of Earth's population are not starving to death.  Like I said, there's bad, and there's worse.

The computer I'm using to write this post came from the hard work of others, as does the monitor, as does the roof over my head, and all the other appliances I use every day.  I have great respect for people who actually apply themselves to learn a skill.  I miserably failed in that department, and I apparently don't have the energy to pursue a skill anymore, but I at least recognize and respect the fact that I would probably be dead if not for the hard work of others.  I just wouldn't last long eating tree bark in the woods, or trying to hunt an animal and end up getting a cut that gets infected, and so forth, ad nauseam.  Come to think of it, I wouldn't have even been born, because my grandfather would have died when he was young from a certain disease that was prevented.

If I really had a choice, I would of course choose good.  Good is plan A, which is First Contact and becoming a Civilized Galactic Society.  Plan A did not manifest though, so humanity is left with the choice of bad and worse.  Maybe plan A will manifest in the future, but thinking about this just generates loosh because it's already been far too long without it manifesting.  How cruel it truly is to keep people on the edge of their seats, year after year, with zero results. 

If humanity wants to get into WW3 and revert back to the stone-age, humanity has lost its mind.  Humanity at the very least needs to not allow those who are in positions of authority to undo all the hard-earned progress humanity has made thus far.  Humanity, please choose bad, and not worse.


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