Addressing the Stupidity that Causes So Many People to be Fat Fucking Morons

(Disclaimer: I'm not a medical doctor and am not giving medical advise.)

Fructose is what makes desserts and treats taste sweet, but fructose is damaging to the liver, about equal to alcohol.  That's why people who proudly say they don't drink alcohol yet drink sodas and fruit juices, and eat donuts, ice cream, cookies, and the like, are hypocritical.  They mine as well be drinking a 6 pack of beer or more every day, because the amount of fructose they consume causes the same amount of liver damage.  That's why there are so many people in industrialized nations who have fatty livers and are overweight/obese.  

Vegetable oils are also extremely fattening.  Some even claim vegetable oils are worse than sugar.  The most fattening and toxic food on the planet is therefore any food that combines a high amount of sugar with a high amount of vegetable oils.  Donuts and cookies, for example, are loaded with sugar and vegetable oils.  Here are the nutrition facts for Little Debbie zebra cakes:


The fat in the label above is from palm and soybean oil.  Other poisonous oils often used are canola oil, corn oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil.  Foods similar to the above label also often contain added mono and di-glycerides, which are hidden trans fats. 

I myself enjoy a small amount of sugar per day, but just one serving of the above label is usually more sugar than I eat in an entire day, and I avoid vegetable oils as often as I can.

Many people erroneously believe they can get away with eating so much sugar and vegetable oils because they also eat some fruits and vegetables.  Of course, most fruit today is hybridized to be very sugary.  The original apples, for example, actually tasted bitter, containing virtually no sugar.

Many health advocates state that high fructose corn syrup is unhealthy because it contains toxic compounds from processing.  However, the main reason high fructose corn syrup is unhealthy is found in the name itself: high fructose corn syrup.  HFCS contains about 55% fructose, which is about the same amount found in sucrose (sugar).  Then, honey is promoted as being healthy, yet honey contains only slightly less fructose compared with sucrose and HFCS.

Non-diabetic people could still consume starch (unsweetened oats, potatoes, and so forth) but keep the sweets to a minimum and avoid vegetable oils.  They would have a very healthy weight by doing so.  This does require the occasional reading of nutrition labels and ingredients lists though.  

The mentality of people in modern industrialized societies is "Oh, it's just a treat here and there.  Live a little."  It's actually this stupid attitude that makes people so fat.  They blow up like a blimp and then don't know what happened.  A small portion of people can eat a high amount of sugar and vegetable oils without getting fat though.  These people prematurely age from this, and health conditions such as arthritis are linked.  Cancer is also linked to the consumption of vegetable oils.


So, why do I feel tired so much of the time even though I'm minimizing sugar and avoiding vegetable oils?  My latest finding is that there's something in bread that causes me severe inflammation.  Yesterday I went bread-free, but still consumed starch for energy from other foods.  I felt much better, but later at night, I ate only a half a piece of bread, and the tiredness, along with heartburn, came right back.  It's not an intolerance to gluten though, as I've gone gluten free and noticed no difference.  My current theory is I have a yeast intolerance.  

It's also true that virtually all breads contain added vegetable oils and sugar, but only a small amount.  Of course, if someone were to make bread the staple of their diet, the added sugar and vegetable oils add up.


  1. Try a couple tablespoons of baking soda in warm water whenever you get heartburn. Works wonders.

    1. Wow, that's quite a bit of baking soda! I used to do a teaspoon of baking soda or so to help with the heartburn, but I would then try to find out the cause behind it, so it doesn't happen anymore. For an unknown reason, bread sets it off.

    2. Rarely does one have an excess of stomach acid, usually it is a deficiency of bi-carbonate, which already occurs in the lining of the stomach. Great for alkalinity as well.

    3. I have a capsule machine and used to make bi-carbonate capsules. It was an interesting experiment. Athletes used to take baking soda before competing as well.

  2. Couldn't agree more. Jesus to save me from this fat hell.

  3. I once saw fat people around on the beach and I looked at their butts and couldn't help but wonder how they shit and fuck.

    I am not discriminating against them.
    Fat people are not like homosexuality, or sexism,
    They just can't control themselves from eating donuts

    1. I've wondered that as well, lol! Some want to lose weight, but cannot because they don't have the necessary information. It's certainly not advertised that it's sugar and vegetable oils that make people fat. Overall, I see it as being partly the responsibility of the individual, but also partly the responsibility of society, as society encourages the eating of junk while giving false information on how to maintain a healthy weight.

  4. Carbohydrates unburned become sugar based fat. This type is hard to burn off. But its heavily promoted to make you sick (diabetes, cancer) so you will be a good pharmaceutical customer.

    Cancer patients usually have a severe imbalance of Omega 6 vastly exceeding Omega 3. A cancer tumor is hot to the touch because of the high metabolism of out-of-control cell division. When you eat 12 donuts a day and eating deep fried BBQ foods this is the path you will go towards.

    Eating cream cheese and other animal protein type fats goes straight to the body efficiently and is more easy to draw on. Vegetables tend to overload the gut in large amounts and force the large intestine to work hard. Some vegetables is recommended though, so the large intestine is kept active.

    1. I've found this to be true of vegetables as well. They aren't all they are made out to be, although some amount is ok.

      It's kind of funny how now all of a sudden I'm noticing that indeed, the fat people in the checkout line who I cashier buy loads of sugary and oiled products. I'm so disgusted by people now that I really am going to have to quit my job. I don't even care if nothing else is lined up. I'm done.

  5. Btw Google seems to have changed the code on their Blogspot commenting, I can't comment using Firefox browser, I can't sign in either to comment. I posted using Opera Browser.

    1. Yeah, they changed it. Firefox still works on my end when commenting though. I don't know if re-installing it would help or not if it doesn't work.

  6. Regarding Cobra's latest post concerning the video about planetary pole shifts, Jim Stone is on the case as well regarding Arctic fossils of T-Rex with newly hatched chicks in an area which if seasonal would be fatal for the young to migrate, which it wasn't because Arctic was in a different place:

    Jim Stone - Pole Shift

    Linked video:

    1. Interesting material, thanks! I wonder if we'll ever know the actual physics behind the reversal of spinning.


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