Forward Direction

In the last 24 hours I've been sensing a high amount of pink light and violet flames.  This may be planet-wide.  There is a huge clearing taking place.  People have heard this before - I know.  I've said I'm only focusing on personal liberation - I know.  

Whatever happens, I'm not getting my hopes up, because that way, I won't be disappointed.  Not getting one's hopes up was advice given to me as a kid, and I never could stand that advice.  I guess I really am 'growing up,' lol!

The problem I keep running into with 2012portal is when I think about 2012portal, thoughts flood my mind about how humanity, the animal kingdom, and Earth in general keep getting gutted like a fish with zero physical intervention.  Then other thoughts flood my mind about inconsistencies, paranoia, and anger at 2012portal and the Light Forces.  Other thoughts flood my mind as well regarding how much 'life really just sucks' and so forth - my thinking because extremely negative, depressing, and destructive.  All of this floods my mind in combination with brief positive thoughts about planetary progress being made.  As a net whole, the thoughts that enter my mind when thinking about 2012portal are harmful, which is why I often put 2012portal out of my mind.  I'm not necessarily pointing the finger at 2012portal.  These thoughts may be coming from 2012portal followers.  Yet, I will no longer allow myself to be dragged down like this.  It's a huge hindrance.  Enough already.

What does the above mean when I'm saying I'm seeing some massive clearings but am having to banish 2012portal from my mind?  I really don't know, lol!  Am I pointing the finger and I'm actually the source of all the negative thinking?  Again, I really don't know.  It doesn't really matter.  All that matters is taking out the trash, at least currently.

Anyway, um, people can do what people do, and... stuff.  I don't know what else to say.  

I'll state one last time that rejecting negative thinking is very effective.  This doesn't mean not dealing with reality, but when extremely repetitive, lose-lose thoughts keep flooding my mind, it's time to seriously take out the trash.  I accept full responsibility for taking out any trash that crosses my mind.  I'm not saying I won't screw up and make mistakes, but I will just have to keep getting back up and continue forward. 


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