Calling Forth Divine Intervention

It doesn't matter how someone feels about 2012portal, whether being pleased with its direction or displeased.  Calling for Divine Intervention is a life practice that goes beyond any source of intel, or lack thereof.  

Divine Intervention can be called forth both for personal matters and for the larger picture.  For example:

Personal matters:

Want to have more money and not have to slave away?  Ok then.  Call forth Divine Intervention to manifest abundance.

World at large:

Don't like the deep state doing all these mass shootings in the United States, whether real or false flags, in order to push gun control to take all guns from US citizens so that when the World Health Organization with their new international rules to suspend the entire constitution uses monkeypox as a pretext for the Chinese invasion and genocide of all US citizens, there will be little to no self-defense, or some other similar ultra-dystopian plan?  Ok then.  Call forth Divine Intervention to counteract this latest plan (or similar ultra-dystopian plans) from the World Economic Forum.  Call forth Divine Intervention to stop all of the WEF's plans from manifesting.

People know all the tools to access the Divine.  Some use the Violet Flame and other resources from welovemassmeditation.  Others use other means.  The main point is to access Divine Intervention and bring the Light through.  Take physical action where one can, and for the rest, call forth Divine Intervention. 

My blog has probably reached its end.  There is probably nothing left to say, so I may go silent, perhaps permanently.  There is a feeling of completion here, and that the days of being stuck behind a computer screen have reached their end.

Victory of the Light


  1. Most of the Portal and similar sites are promising pie-in-the-sky stuff.

    Same experience with multi-level /network marketing. Promises made but not fulfilled.

    1. That does appear to be the pattern.

      There is a different kind of energy coming through that may be from the CCS/GCS. This energy can be worked with, but I certainly won't make any promises of getting moved off planet by positive Ets before a global tsunami.

      My main priority is bringing the Light through, which can be felt physically. I also take a look at 'the situation' from time to time as well though:

      If there's no direct intervention to drastically change the course for the US, Gonzalo's prediction will be very accurate:

      2022.05.28 A Revolution Is Coming In The West


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