Addressing Instability and Pendulums

In the visionstate, I saw an anomalous entity that could be from the subquantum realm that looked somewhat similar to the monsters that eat up the past from "The Langoliers."

(The entity had more facial features than the Langolier monsters, but was definitely a round ball with a very sharp and aggressive set of teeth.)

Although clearing frequencies are coming through, there is still no noticeable progress with addressing the main problems on the planet surface.  Subquantum anomaly and the Lurker continue to destabilize many different situations.  

I regretted watching the video on Hal Turner's site of a military officer who burned himself alive in front of the Israeli Embassy while screaming "Free Palestine!"  (Someone eventually used a fire extinguisher, but the guy probably did not survive.  I was quite nauseated for a time afterward.)  On one level, this military officer was incredibly heroic, but on another level, incredibly unstable.

Increasingly, the behavior patterns of the surface population are spiraling out of control.  This is positive, because people are standing up more and more against the cabal, but this is also negative, because instability creates more violence and abuse, with the escalation of wars on multiple fronts being one example of many.

Regarding the insanity of the world, I've found that it's best not to pay attention to it.  As I continue to learn about Transurfing, I'm working on no longer feeding destructive pendulums.  

In the book, a pendulum can be defined as "a system of values and goals that is fed by many people that develops an intelligence of its own that controls its adherents without their awareness."  Societal institutions, political causes, war efforts, and so on - all of these are pendulums.  Even spiritual movements are pendulums.

Not all pendulums are harmful, but pendulums care nothing about their adherents.  Pendulums only seek to make themselves stronger and to recruit more adherents.  The most harmful pendulums are the most aggressive.  These pendulums seek to destroy all other pendulums to achieve ultimate supremacy.

To support a pendulum of course makes it stronger, but also, going to battle with a pendulum makes it stronger.  Also, one cannot overtly avoid a pendulum to escape it.  The book's solution to bypass a pendulum is to acknowledge the pendulum's existence, but then ignore it with a neutral state of mind - neither here nor there.


  1. "Although clearing frequencies are coming through, there is still no noticeable progress with addressing the main problems on the planet surface. Subquantum anomaly and the Lurker continue to destabilize many different situations."

    Yes, I absolutely agree and right now, I have to be very careful! I noticed that the level of aggression coming from anomaly and negative entities is so ridiculously high, that I was forced to retreat again.

    I can't even share certain links without being attacked! During the last 2 days, I was under heavy attack on the mental plane. To be more accurate, I would say that DFs induced a psychosis (for reference, just think of the Joker from 2019) and it's not the first time that something like that happens!

    Yesterday, the attack wore off after I woke up from a nap and today, I feel pretty much okay mentally, but I felt very tired throughout the entire day, so I had to get some extra sleep!

    I'm not in the mood to get such horrible attacks again... I'm even afraid to have a look on certain websites right now!

    As for my iron deficiency problem, everything is still going as planned. Slight improvements day by day, but I think, it will take weeks and months to get fully restored in that regard.

    1. Maybe doing some Wim Hof breathing would help. I try to do this through the nose more, as breathing in through the mouth can bring harmful particles into the lungs.

      Mr. Rothschild should be no more soon. Kissinger was sent back very quickly. Maybe it's the state of the clearing that makes it easier. True though, attacks are still very active. Some attacks can be ignored, while others are very severe.

      I'm not sure how long it takes to restore iron levels. Yeah, may take a while. Glad that there are improvements!

    2. Libra, let us exchange material bodies after the liberation of the earth. I want to be a man, like a Cobra or Ashtar, who creates the cause of light and bravely pursues everything he needs.

    3. Libra,After the liberation of the earth, I want to have a male physical body. I don’t want to just accept and surrender.😭

    4. Libra,After the liberation of the earth, I will have a male light body, and then conduct the most advanced technological research in the universe and create my own cosmic career. I will also continue to study the physical laws of the universe and study the development of planets.✨

    5. Starlight, few souls can resist the temptation of power. People with power want more power. Power will lose self, so I will never come into contact with power, including after the liberation of the earth.

  2. Update on hominy: Even when rinsing canned hominy, this hurts the stomach because of the added sodium bisulfate. One of the side effects is abdominal pain. There is no other way I know of to get hominy except from a can, and all the brands I've seen have this additive.

  3. Hello, do you know the relationship between cobra and ishtar antares?

  4. My personal intuition is that Cobra is not him. I don’t know if you know the situation.

  5. I saw the Aurora 2012 book website. The content inside is very similar to the information about Cobra. This website has the author’s photo.

    1. I've heard this kind of info a million times. I don't care, and I've moved on from this a long time ago. You might consider doing that as well.

    2. You may be the same one who made comments in the past, and are making them in a specific way so they will be approved.

      Regarding pendulums, your vendetta against 2012 Portal (assuming you are the other individual who has gone psycho on my blog in the past) actually only makes the pendulum swing more, causing further ensnarement. Maybe consider reading the Transurfing book I posted. It goes into this extensively.

    3. I believe in Cobra, I don't care who he is, I know the complexities of Earth's liberation, I believe in his message !🩷

    4. I have my own higher self, and I believe that Cobra doesn't want others to pay attention to his identity, because his message is the most important, and he represents the light forces, not just himself.♥️♥️♥️

    5. Many people just think of me as a woman, but my higher self has been cleaning up darkness in higher dimensions. I know the weaknesses of dark forces very well. Their biggest weakness is fear.

    6. Thank you for replying to my message. I know that my existence needs to be very gentle like air, just existing. I can only accept everything, I can only be passive, but I also hope to express my opinions like the masculine energy. I just feel that I must exist, I am really tired, and I also want to take the initiative to fight for everything I have, but my destiny path makes me only accept everything the universe gives me. I can't change anything, I can't I know if you can relate to this feeling, but thank you very much for letting me express my opinion today, but for the liberation of the earth, I will continue to just "exist". This is the mission of feminine energy.🩷

    7. Women on this planet all have the mentality of controlling and manipulating men. In fact, the real female energy (goddess energy) is "existence", just like air, giving when needed, and just existing when not needed. This is also my soul mission and part of me will continue to "exist" and hope you take care of yourself and love you !♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    8. It's probably Aisha speaking above.

      Anyway: One shouldn't get too entangled into this planetary liberation stuff - it can really drive you crazy. Don't forget about the real life and your hobbies!

    9. Libra, yeah, looks like it.
      True, it's very healthy to pursue various interests! This has a healing effect.

    10. I'm Aisha, thank you for your suggestions.♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    11. I don’t want to create another account, I can send anonymously.

    12. Hello Starlight, I apologize if my previous comment made you feel disrespected, because I have such a direct personality, I will not hide my true thoughts and feelings, I know many people respect you, but I Doesn't please anyone with power. I see only love and light. In my heart everyone is equal !🩷

    13. I know your great contributions and planetary status, but I will not please anyone because of power. In my heart, everyone is equal. The only difference is which soul loves more, the more worthy of respect.I have always hated any leader with high power on earth. I hate all power. People with power only want more power (The Matrix-Prophet said)

    14. I didn't feel disrespected. I thought you might have been someone else. I've been blocking comments from another anonymous user who's been extremely aggressive recently. After realizing this was someone else, I let it go and moved on. I don't really pay attention to my status, whatever it may be. A lot of this stuff is only in the mind.

    15. Hello, (last message to share) I have a male twin, he is 53 years old, born in 1971, but his physical body looks very young, he has videos on YouTube, including sharing in 2023, his voice He is also very young. I think his physical body is not fat and he is very strong, but he is not confident in himself. This is his only shortcoming. He cannot love himself unconditionally.In fact, I think his hair is also very beautiful, and he is cute if he is a little fatter, but he just can't accept himself.😑

    16. Startlight, My twin friend,Listening to his voice and the back and profile of his physical body, I feel like he is about 35 years old.


    1. (I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.)
      @Starlight, whether we know each other or not, I also want to tell you that I LOVE YOU ♥️and I don’t want to leave any regrets for myself.

    2. I am always all alone, I am very happy to be able to talk to you, it heals me and releases my stress, thank you !♥️

    3. I can't tell you my road. I am also deceiving my three-dimensional family members who are far away. They gave me a lot of help. I have to go. Go on my way and take care of yourself.
      Love you 💋♥️🌹

    4. They helped me a lot, and I am very grateful. They thought I was studying for a very high degree, but in fact it was just an illusion. I gave up everything, but I don’t regret every choice.🩷

    5. Thank you for listening, I am a lot happier, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to release the stress, I am very happy now !💖đŸĨ°đŸŒˆđŸ¤—

    6. @starlight,I'm a lot happier and I'm ready to leave. Thank you for listening.đŸĢ‚

    7. Starlight, many people are still trapped in their own "garden", I have already understood everything, I will only watch everything silently !😊

  7. It's actually a bless that I slowed down with the planetary liberation thing..... What I do now is reminding me of the times during hiking.

    I often did hikes that went for 3 - 4 hours on average (often without any breaks). What I can say is that hiking put me in a peaceful state of mind that allowed me to walk for those 3 or 4 hours without feeling uncomfortable!

    That's what I do in a similar way now, figuratively speaking:
    I don't care about what's out of my sight - I care about the "scenery" that is currently surrounding me. Maybe, I am moving quite slow right now, but I have a meaningful direction and follow it with concentration. Sometimes, I even manage it to not care about my physical form at all, because I can't do much about it anyway.

    I like hiking, because it's not too difficult and not too boring either and I also enjoy the slow change of scenery. Basically, hiking is meditation while being physically active at the same time.

    1. That's awesome! Getting the mind off stressors is paramount. My metaphysical abilities are shut down in many ways in order to make life more simple. It could be that negative entities want to accelerate matters, with the acceleration being artificial for different kinds of entrapments.

    2. "If you travel without a map, will you see a rainbow?" I am the same, I cherish everything now and feel everything now 🌈

    3. 🌷

    4. Libra,I share this music with you. I will feel this music and imagine myself dancing in the forest. I am also preparing to hold a Pleiades concert at night, singing and dancing, just like living in high latitudes. Can consciousness break through the matrix? enter heaven,🎇😍✨♥️

    5. When I sing and dance, I connect with all the light beings and ships in the universe. I feel that everything in the universe is one with me, and heaven is now.🌈

    6. đŸĒŠđŸŽ™️♥️

    7. đŸĒŠđŸŽ™️♥️


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