Methods for Positive Evolution

In no particular order:

Take a deep breath, and only focus this breath.  This doesn't have to be fancy.  It can be anywhere at any time, and doesn't even have to be more than one breath. 

Read and work through logic based books, such as science books and math books. 

Read spiritual books that create a sense of well-being.  This doesn't have to be a major project.  I only read 5-10 pages per day.  The current book I'm reading is this one:



An awesome commenter mentioned some very useful information regarding astral parasites.  One of the best ways to starve astral parasites (the world is obviously still very saturated with them) is to be in the blue part of the spectrum instead of the red.  Therefore, focus on blue Light, or the Blue Flame. 

Focus on parts of the body, or the body as a whole.  

Focus on body movements at various times throughout the day.  It can be normal body movements performing everyday tasks.

Focus on one's physical surroundings and harmonize with them.

This one's a good mental exercise for insomniacs:  Memorize a place and all the objects in that place.  This can be room or part of a house, or even the entire house.

If having a very difficult internal experience of oneself, go into positive memories and pull their positive energy into the present.  (Hard core people may say they've never had a positive memory in their entire lives, but come on - everyone has had at least one!)

Pick a physical object and hold it in your hand.  Focus attention only on this object.  (This can be for 5 to 10 minutes, or longer if preferred.)  If the mind starts having thoughts that go elsewhere, return the attention back to the object.  See how long you can have a present and alert focus without any thoughts.  Quartz crystals and other rocks are fun to do this with, but it can be any object.  A lit candle or plant works well too.

Catch harmful thoughts and cascades of harmful thoughts and correct them.

Take care of your health.

Visualize and connect with the Sun. 


Create your own empowering affirmations.

Learn the art of letting go, and simply be.

Listen to music that you love, and be sure to hunt for new finds.

Go for walks and connect with nature.



Be in the present moment.  (All of the above suggestions pertain to this.)

Know that you are from Source and can access Source at any time.

Victory of the Light!



  1. Hello beautiful soul, it's been a long time 😊.
    You know don't be disappointed about the comments, sometimes it's just not divine timing 😉 we all have our pace of progression, hence my more present absence, I feel the need to evolve and I avoid interacting as much as possible as it takes more energy, not for you of course 🤗.
    You speak of connection to the sun, I've just been guided to this to rebalance energy centers, the crown chakra, 3rd eye and throat are linked to solar energies and the solar plexus chakra, sacral and root to earth energies the heart chakra serves as a link between the two energies, I found the information very interesting.
    You know, when I read all this stuff about so-called spies who think they can heal people when they have no idea what they're going through, I personally think that the best healers for others are those who, at some point in their life and/or incarnation, have experienced and felt the same things, the same pain, the same emotional suffering, and who today are healed.
    I'm sure they'll be much better because they'll know.
    Kisses beautiful soul bright day to you 🤗💖🌹🙏🕊️

    1. Makes sense that the best healers are the ones who went through it before and healed. That's a very good observation! The chakras - nice! Yeah, solar plexus is the solar one, and maybe others connected to it. Heart is a bridge between them all. The chakras can line up with the planets as well. In the past I was told something like this:

      Root - Earth
      Sacral - Moon
      Solar Plexus - Sun
      Heart - Venus
      Throat - Mercury
      Third eye - Not sure on this one
      Crown - Uranus

      There are other interpretations though, such as this:

      Interesting stuff! 💖🤗

    2. Interesting!
      I don't know what this info is worth but be careful ☺️.
      I had a dream last night and something is about to collapse, it's very unstable, my dreams are always so hard to decipher but this message there I understood it.
      Kisses beautiful soul 😘🙏🕊️

    3. Yeah I usually keep it simple and I don't get too much into occult info. It's interesting but I just consider it mostly on an intellectual level only.

      Regarding Fulford's material, he doesn't give knowledge about the difference between satan and lucifer. They are not the same thing. Also, the six pointed star is not satanic as Fulford said in the past. The six pointed star can be used for positive or negative purposes. A positive purpose is to bind harmful planetary influences (long story, and I don't currently use the 6 pointed star myself). His knowledge of the occult is extremely watered down and lacking.

      When it comes to the alternative media like Fulford and others of a similar leaning, there are both claims of really horrible future events happening, and really positive future events happening, when reality simply carries on somewhere in between. Over years of looking at the alternative media's claims, I no longer take them seriously (nor the mainstream media). When the clearing of subquantum anomaly is far enough along though, this is when something really positive should take place. That's one thing I still take seriously.

      I thought about making a post on all this but will leave it as a reply. Maybe I will later, I don't know. 🕊️🙏

    4. Might be the same with negative dreams about the future. I've had dreams of future dystopias that never came to pass, at least so far! lol!

  2. "An awesome commenter" - sounds good!

    I think we are now on a timeline set where the event can be felt very nearby. Things are starting to "feel real" and in a way, it is a bit scary. Its not just on our thoughts, conversations with friends, or underground blogs, hints about the true situation of the world is starting to penetrate the most viewed podcasts of the entire world:

    This will precipitate further and further, and in no time, people will be in shock.
    And we will be cheering.

  3. I don't know if you saw this update but I feel humiliated as feminine energy, this is not the future I plan to end up waiting my turn in a harem.

    1. Yeah, I saw. Words on a screen can seem cold, even if not intended. Maybe that can be the experience with some with the update. Honestly, I didn't see myself as being a male in such a situation because women have mostly rejected me throughout my life so I'm mostly no longer attracted to them. I don't really want to have kids either. I like to create in ways outside such things. I like to harmonize with environments more than romantic partners. I'd say that the update is a possible evolutionary path, but certainly not the only one! There are many amazing paths back to Source that go far outside the update, for sure!

  4. Hi Starlight.
    What a mess at Seb's 🤔.
    Strange things happen to me I had vertigo at the beginning of the week it passed and yesterday I took the air, I love this walk but there arrived at a place I felt like an energy change the feeling of vertigo and a headache frontal I had the impression to miss energy I did not benefit from my walk as usual 🤔.
    Here I made you some pictures the day I went out winter atmosphere I was in snow queen mode locks of hair had frosted 😁.
    Bisous belle âme je crois savoir que tu reste seul pour les fêtes, tu sais on n'est jamais vraiment seul nous les frères et sœurs de lumière dans le cœur et la pensée.
    I've been thinking about that girl from your past, very superficial she didn't deserve you, we are first a soul before a physique.

    What do you say about this place for a Yoda 😁. I would like to travel in my future life and this place I really want to discover a temple in the middle of the forest 🤩.
    Big kisses 😘💖🌹🕊️🙏

    1. Wow, awesome photos! Yeah, definitely a Yoda place! That always inspires me!

      Vertigo can be a drag for sure. I had nausea all day today for some reason. I'm not sure what's happening. Maybe some last discord going around before Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20.

      I hope Sebastian doesn't mind all the commenting. It's quite a bit of stuff. Maybe I shouldn't have entered into it but oh well.

      That girl just didn't like me. It's ok. Maybe I creeped her out because I was so head over heels. It happens. Thanks for the support! 💖🕊️

  5. Great idea Libra
    You can add this French telegram group.
    "Méditons ensemble pour la libération planétaire ".
    It is very active.
    Thank you 😘🙏💖

  6. Wow, thanks! Yeah, last few weeks have felt very slow. "Last few weeks there was resistance or blockage." Glad that blockage was removed!
    Really good protocol for forgiveness. Looks like the workshop went well!


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