The Smallest of Things
My experience with peanut butter over the years: I noticed that when I would often eat it, I would become toxic with my feeling and thinking. Then I came across research saying that peanut butter is harmful to the gut, which is where most of the microbiome resides. Ultimately, someone with a strong microbiome should be able to handle peanut butter well, but the vast majority of modern humanity has a weakened microbiome.
My experience with peanut butter, and other experiences with food prove beyond any doubt that the microbiome determines how someone feels, and how someone can handle various life situations. The reality is people's physical health, immune system, and mental health is determined by their microbiomes.
What about the merits of positive thinking, changing one's own thought patterns, and meditations (mind over matter)? The reason people aren't usually able to make changes by changing their thinking and so forth is because their physiology is so off balance. There are more minds than just the thinking mind in a human being. The gut is a mind in itself. If the gut is messed up, mind over matter can only go so far. The solution is to heal the gut, because without a healthy gut, 'higher powers' will most often be inaccessible.
Most people don't want to go through the work to heal the gut, because this means making one's own bread - most commercially sold bread is full of the antibiotic glyphosate from roundup. If there is no organic bread at a reasonable price or it's made with too much sugar, organic flour has to be purchased, and bread has to be made from scratch. It requires great effort to avoid pesticides (poisons) in food. It's definitely worth the effort though.
I don't know about everyone else, but that Monsanto video I posted a little while back was a seriously rude (but very necessary) awakening. I knew that Monsanto was bad, but I didn't realize that Monsanto has been killing off the microbiome of humanity and the entire planet. I didn't realize that even before the vax campaign, humanity's fate was to have 70-80% of people getting cancer by 2035 because of Monsanto and other antibiotics doing exponential damage to humanity's microbiome.
Most outer conflicts emanate from harmful energies being accessed, which negatively alters the microbiome of people. This can be done with 5G and associated technology that has become so common on the planet surface. It's a combination of using fallen technologies and accessing harmful realms and energies to wage war on the microbiome. It was fallen technologies and negative forces that created roundup's glyphosate.
the very beginning of life on Earth, certain energies beyond 3D were
used to create life. There are also certain energies that destroy
life. The negative forces can tap into certain energies to bring forth
certain microorganisms that kill off humanity, with ancient plagues
being an example.
The statement "As above, so below," and "As below, so above" takes on a whole new meaning when taking the microbiome into account. It's actually the smallest of things that has real power in the world. It's the smallest of things that creates life. Also, it's the smallest of things that destroys life when accessed by the negative forces. Humanity needs to be willing to work with energies that assist the smallest of things that are on humanity's side, which also involves discontinuing the ingestion of roundup, and not taking other antibiotics except only when absolutely necessary, and many other actions (people probably get the idea).
When someone is behaving in a toxic manner, or when I myself become toxic, I can make certain judgments, but these judgements now include the microbiome. I now can think, "That aggressive or manipulative person's microbiome and psychophysiology is off track," or "My own microbiome and psychophysiology is off track."
Understanding how energy and intent affects the microbiome brings one into a much larger arena - from the smallest of things.
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