An Example of An 'Implant Chain'

Here's an example of the programming of implants:

Pattern: "You're doing this the wrong way."  This goes back to childhood.  I was playing soccer the wrong way.   I would get in trouble in class for not listening and not following directions.  Later in life with jobs, I would not be able to follow orders right and get yelled at.  The more I would try to follow directions, the more I would do the wrong thing, as a vicious cycle.  When I was able to do good work, I would disappoint managers when I refused to move up to a higher position.  

I would anger (positive) occultists because I would not agree with them and I was "Not taking action" and so forth, failing my commitments to any long term occult practice.

Even in the area of romantic relationships, I would mostly not know what to do.  Women were rarely attracted to me, and when they were, I would mess things up. 

(This is one pattern of many.) 

Most people are a combination of countless negative programmed patterns that dictate their behavior.  Perhaps the first free will choice from anyone in the surface population is the decision to surpass negative patterns from the implants.

When negative programming is momentarily broken, glimpses of the natural state come forth.  The natural state can be categorized as very positive, but is also beyond definition.

When all negative programming is fully and permanently dissolved, permanent liberation beyond one's wildest imaginings will occur.


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