The Path Forward

It was pure suffering that brought me to the path of seeking a higher power.  If I had not suffered to such extremes, I would probably be 'one of the herd.'

My suffering has been emotional, psychological, and physical.  I'm learning that humiliation creates far more loosh than I previously thought, and there have been instances from my childhood of humiliation.  This humiliation pattern is now playing itself out in my adult life.  I must learn to completely no longer care what anyone thinks of me in order to achieve personal liberation.  

There is a catch-22.  I want the Sun to hit the Earth with an extremely powerful solar flare to knock out all AI, but in so doing, my heart may not be able to function anymore.  My heart is particularly sensitive, and may have been damaged due to heavy drinking and nicotine overdose from nicotine gum and capsules in 2018-2019.  (Blood pressure was at 160/120 and higher in 2019, but is currently at normal levels.)  My goal was to kill myself by drinking myself to death, but I changed my mind at the last possible opportunity.  All drug use ceased on June 15, 2019, but there may be permanent heart damage.  If I die, then so be it.  If there is nothing I can do about it, why worry?  Time of course will tell if I survive the increasing solar activity. 

I am reading The Kybalion and learning what I am capable of learning from it.

I wish to align myself with my higher nature so that my soul is not destroyed.  Although I have committed no criminal acts, I have 'severe mutations of consciousness' that need to be healed in order to 'make the learning curve.'  I can look at this as 'an opportunity for transmutation.'  No adept has been able to handle the mutations I suffer from, so the path I walk is a path between myself and Source.  So be it.

Am I mistake of creation?  That is up to Source to decide.  Others (family members and so forth) who wish to judge me and make fun of me have no say whatsoever over my destiny.  Any and all negative definitions of me are null and void. 


  1. Agreed. I quit drinking 7 months ago, it is pretty rough. Also 'The Divine Pymander' is an excellent study, in the same vein as The Kyballian. I'm rooting for you. Instructions for exiting the grid are on in the 'avoid the death trap' article. Hope you have a nice day Starlight!


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