I'm Sorry - I Can't Do This Anymore

I went ahead and looked at the latest Cobra update.  Here are a couple matters I felt that needed to be addressed:

Cobra Quote:

"There were urgent meetings between the Pleiadians and top Russian military brass in the last few days before the war broke out and the Pleiadians have advised against a full scale Russian military operation in Ukraine."


If the Pleiadians are able to physically meet with people on the planet, why can't the Pleiadians physically remove the Jesuits from the planet?  The Pleiadians could even do this discreetly with their advanced technologies.  Toplet bombs can't be used as reason for not doing so when the Pleiadians are already said to be physically interacting with the surface population. 

Cobra Quote: 

"His (Putin's) main goal is to demilitarize Ukraine to secure Russia from immediate military threats, to clear dangerous biolabs and to purge Ukraine from Neonazi elements:"

"From their perspective (Pleiadians), the main objectives could be reached by Russian peacekeeping forces in Lugansk and Donetsk and with refusing to react to Jesuit-backed provocations from the West, who want to create World war III to fulfill their end time prophecies:"


Locations capable of nuclear armament (and other immediate military threats) and neo-nazis exist in several areas throughout Ukraine.  Dangerous biolabs, as shown here, are in the vicinity of Kiev (skip to 1:44): 


Lugansk and Donetsk make up only a part of the eastern section of Ukraine, so only making peacekeeping in these two locations comes nowhere near reaching main objectives.  Here is a map of Ukraine for perspective.  Kiev, where the biolabs are shown in the video above, is obviously nowhere near Lugansk (also known as Luhansk) and Donetsk:



People can ask good questions and coherently point matters out, but Cobra very rarely addresses feedback and expects people to just believe.

There are possibly positive Et forces interacting with Earth, but I can't just continue to go along with Cobra when I keep encountering claims that make anti-sense.

I'm sorry.  I can't do this anymore.  


  1. It seems I was right about Cobra! More and more evidence transpiring that he is truly a FRAUD!

    1. I wouldn't go as far to say he's a fraud. There are amazing meditations and so forth. For example, the rainbow flower of life meditation and vortex meditation are very interesting ideas. Those who have their own esoteric practice could find the meditations useful in their own right. However, I've found that the intel has become lacking and incoherent.

  2. The blog used by cobra is free, it should have been acquired by Google long ago, and the cabal can remove his blog if they want. While cobra hides his identity, and cobra is still obscuring his voice in the interview with Corey Good, he is afraid of being murdered by the cabal, but he is using the cabal's blog service, which is completely unreasonable

  3. All valid points. I'm so tired of all the evil. I want peace externally at the cost of my inner peace. I'm thinking about no longer paying attention to any world events or 'galactic news' whatsoever. I am an avid book reader that has not picked up a book in two years. I'm just having a hard time caring about anything lately, and want my attention back. Art, crafts, literature, these are my true loves. I have been "waiting for the event" for years, and part of that was "waiting for the rv"... I liked my life so much more before the internet. All this "information" has made so many folks idiots, and I'm one of them for believing in so many "dog and pony shows"... I don't know what to believe about the world around me, but I do know how I feel about myself, or as Bond would say,
    Thanks for your insights Ninja,
    Much Love ❤

    1. 39th minute - Psychic Weather Report will be relevant to your concerns:


  4. The realities of what is going on on the ground explained by London Paul:

    One video game company, SCS Software because of having some people in Ukraine decided to get all emo over the war and posted its political stance against Russia and 'condemn their invasion' without seeing the overall larger context of why all this took place and the role of western intervention at color revolutions. These guys are just toe-dippers in the realities of geopolitics.

    They could have easily said a percentage of purchases of their games go to helping send humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine.

    For this reason I dropped playing their video games.

    1. Thumbs up on Sirius Report vid, thanks.

      All the media nonsense and so forth is like throwing a nerf ball at a brick wall and expecting the wall to break, lol!


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