Latest Update from David Wilcock

Here are some highlights from David Wilcock's latest update:

- The solar flash that was supposed to happen in 2012 did happen, but happened in Proxima Centauri instead, which is a member of the Alpha Centauri star system.  (Personal synchronicity - I made a joke about being from Alpha Centauri the other day before I watched Wilcock's update!)

- Underground bases were built for the thought-to-be-incoming solar flash in 2012 so that the negative elites could survive while humans on the planet surface perished.  

- Because of covid, the negative elites exposed themselves, and humanity is now aware enough and capable of liberating Earth without the need for a solar flash.  There will be no future solar flash for Earth.  (Perhaps this is why covid is called the coronavirus.)

- Positive Ets will not allow any nuclear war to take place.  No Armageddon scenarios will be allowed to occur.  

- A main reason for a military operation in Ukraine by Russia is because Ukraine has bioweapons.  It's now believed that Taiwan has bioweapons.  Taiwan therefore could be the next country to have a military operation similar to Ukraine.

- Russia has special 3D printing technology to build pyramids that have incredible healing abilities.  Pyramid water is also discussed.

- Historically, accessing Source involved calling upon the 4 archangels, which are Raphiel, Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel.  (Personal synchronicity - Wilcock is perhaps indirectly referring to the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which calls upon these 4 archangels, and uses the Godname Yod Hey Vav Hey.)



  1. David Wilcock and Corey Goode previously explained that Earth did not have a solar flare in 2012 because it was delayed 0, and maybe it will happen in a few more years. But now it has changed. How can I trust him? No, how can I trust anyone?

    1. Don't have to trust him, or anyone. I found synchronicity though, which surprised me. They do change what they say, but it no longer bothers me. Having no solar flash makes sense. It's positive to say "no solar flash" because now people don't have to wait on change. I never could stand it when Cobra kept saying "Nothing significant will change on the planet surface until a couple weeks before The Event." I always found it to be very disempowering. People don't have to be sitting ducks - never did.

  2. Cobra said the event could be delayed until 2030, while David Wilcock said the solar flash would not happen. Do they have the same boss? WTF?

    1. Different bosses. I stated "No further delays will be tolerated" a while back. There can't be any delays if there is no Event. I don't have a problem with that because I'm doing the magick and taking charge of my life. People can take charge now and no longer wait on a solar flash to save the day.

    2. Yes, I don't wait anymore, we should focus on our own life, eat well, sleep well, have fun day by day, study hard, work hard, most important is love people

  3. Latest thing is CIA Google's Blogspot acted and removed 'War and Peace' off 2012Portal.

    1. Hmm, wonder what part of it made them do that. If there's censorship on Russia to the extent there was censorship on covid, people will be more ready this time to find ways past it.

    2. Most Cobra followers have probably already seen the War and Peace post by now, but censoring it just makes it more popular and will probably increase the number of people doing the peace meditations.

    3. The Resistance Movement has tons of gold and money, but cannot build a minimally independent blog for their official spokesperson. What a miser!

    4. Maybe they will make an independent site.

    5. yeah maybe,but If they really cared, they wouldn't put their site on a cabal server for ten years

  4. How Philosophers Handle Rejection


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