Seriously Though
The situation doesn't have to go nuclear to kill off populations. In the US, fuel prices can skyrocket to the point of starving out the population. When Russia no longer exports fuel to the US, and China follows, it's game over for the US. This obvious statement is what everything comes down to:
If you cut off a country's fuel supply, you condemn every man, woman, and child in that country to die of starvation, because without fuel, the food supply collapses.
The last two years of Covid would be a 'walk in the park' compared with a situation of fuel being cut off from the US. Why is all of this about to happen to the US? Because the military didn't overthrow their puppet government like they were supposed to. Because the people didn't overthrow their puppet government like they were supposed to when it became painfully obvious that the military wasn't going to.
Does the entire US population deserve to starve to death though? I understand that the US is responsible for the majority of wars in the world, but the people of the US should not be made to suffer for the foul actions of their puppet 'leaders.' Again though, US citizens didn't step things up like they were supposed to. Aware people loved to complain about the Biden administration, but no one actually removed the Biden administration. Yet, how exactly were people supposed to pull something like that off with Blackrock and Vanguard running the show? I don't know. I, along with probably everyone else in the civilian population, do not possess the logistical knowledge and skill to know exactly how to overthrow a puppet government.
There are those who say "Grow your own food." There are those who even say "Clean energy cars will save us." Growing one's own food and clean energy cars are the exception and not the rule. 99.99% (add a few more nines probably) of the US population will be completely screwed when the cost of fuel becomes exponentially expensive and/or unavailable.
Then there are those who say "I have precious metals as currency." Those with precious metals would be among the first to be looted out of existence.
I read Benjamin Fulford's full report. Fulford puts a positive spin on the situation. And hey, maybe the trucker convoy will find a way to get rid of our puppet government. Maybe in the 11th hour of the 11th hour, the people will finally remove their puppet US government. Or, maybe there will be some other form of intervention. Who knows. I'd like to think that the entire US population will not be doomed to starvation.
I won't panic myself. I won't be looking at any more gloom and doom, because once I arrive at the bottom line, I'm only interested in seeing the outcome.
What's the real situation? Have the negative elites been in control the entire time, and what's coming is simply the fruition of their great reset and global social credit score plans? Or, are positive forces in control, and the universe is not Evil?
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