Important Situation Update and Suggestion

Putin provided an important statement today, which can be read here.

The mainstream media in the US and other NATO countries, no matter how they try, will not be able to successfully 'discredit' bioweapons in Ukraine when global superpowers such as Russia, India, and China support a full investigation.  There are also documents that clearly show that bioweapons were/are being developed in Ukraine.

Cobra claiming that the Light Forces don't want Russia to complete military operations in Ukraine for 'reasons of peace' is highly suspicious when there are bioweapons in Ukraine.  

(Although I no longer participate in Cobra's blog, I read Cobra's latest update.  It's a bit unavoidable when Cobra updates are posted many places online.)

For those doing meditations to bring peace between NATO and Russia, the meditation can be modified as follows to assist Russia and Russian allies with their operations, and to reduce the chances of WW3:

- Use the violet flame to awaken the masses in NATO countries to not go to Ukraine as mercenaries against Russia.  Pink light can also be used to cause any citizens in NATO countries who are against Russia to be less aggressive against Russia, which will help the energetic grids. 

- Use the pink light to pacify NATO, allowing Russia and Russian allies to investigate bioweapons in Ukraine with less resistance, and to more easily complete all other necessary military operations.  The pink light should be used to cause NATO to not interfere with the operations of Russia and Russian allies in Ukraine.


  1. It is all so annoying... Peace would be so easy. Most folks are order followers and would obey if they were told to chill and made enough money to live.
    Sad. More war, surprise surprise... I have been rolling my eyes at many 'truthers' same as with obvious deceivers. Any excuses for the LF not stepping in and ending this is bs in my opinion. Rip off the bandaid and be done with it, let the chips fall where they may...
    This realm is an abomination, and totally inverted, and needs help from Source ❤

  2. I might just stop reading the 'updates' all together. I get down every time I read them. More delays and excuses... When there is peace I'll believe it. Always something, just like the RV, always another reason.
    Really bumms me out, when peace would be so easy if God would reign in his fucking angels.

    1. Only hope is humanity standing up. Maybe Russia taking action is the manifestation of humanity taking Earth back. A cascade reaction may be taking place to overthrow the negative elites.

  3. Someone referred to Ukraine as Part II of World War 3, with Syria being the first victory for Russia. There were other smaller parts of the conflict, like Georgia 2008, the leadup to the current Ukraine situation (Maidan).

    I highlight this as I have said before that in the 10 years of the Cobra blog the only positive moves were done by Russia, at these 2 places, Syria and Ukraine.

    As for the blog theory that Z that the Russians use to mark their vehicles is a product of the Jesuits, these guys are also occultists of the dark. Symbology is a way of feeding energy to the dark sorcerers.

    Just like the cryptic messages on Cobra, whatever the symbology of 'Z' is and what it does shouldn't concern us.

    As your post said, the LF talk is garbage when Russian action exposed an entire hornet's nest of biolabs that were also experimenting with bat coronaviruses. Remember these labs were advanced enough with US technology that it was as good as the US AMRIID being right there that Victoria Noodle had to admit the threat of them falling into the hands of the Russians.

    If it was only Ukraine-only biolabs those would have been 2nd rate compared to Russian labs which are advanced enough to generate their own 'vaccine' Sputnik, there wouldn't need to be this rush.

  4. Not only that President of Russia has made the bold claim that Coronavirus might indeed have come from those Ukraine biolabs that were run at the level of those in the US:

    "Putin has now boldly stated coronavirus was developed in Ukraine

    Some of the Ukranian biolab employees defected to Putin and spilled the beans. This goes well with it already being known that the labs were being used to study how to get pandemics to spread via migratory animals - that's why in China it showed up in bats.

    Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland threw gas on the topic by stating "We are now in fact quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of those labs, so we are working with the Ukranians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach"

    My comment: If Russia went into Ukraine for "no reason", why would those biolabs be any concern at all? The reaction from Nuland really bolsters the claims made by the employees that worked at the labs. Yes, they may have defected but doing that with the actual materials in your hand would be a tough gig and such proof increases credibility greatly. Now we have confirmation from Nuland that there really is something the West wants to hide which greatly negates the need for the whistleblowers to bring to Putin absolute proof (seriously impossible when fleeing Ukranian assassins). Big problem there. Putin really was justified.

    So Ukraine and the west at the biolabs are literally "shredding ballots" to cover up their biowarfare programs. They have the expert at document destruction making sure nothing is found before a "Russian audit" happens." - Jim Stone

    1. Yep. Major blows to the negative elites. I hadn't researched Syria much but will. Jim Stone's latest quote of Putin is synchronistic with my suggestion to reduce the anger of the masses in NATO countries against Russia:

      "Putin: I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me too. They are now trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some hostile actions of Russia. That from your wallet you need to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. It's all a lie! And the truth is that the problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of actions by the ruling elites in the West. Their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens, they are obsessed with their selfish interests and super profits."

  5. Cobra claims that the Toplet bombs can destroy the entire universe. This is a paradox. The power of the Toplet bombs cannot be proved without an experiment. Once the experiment is done, the universe ceases to exist, and how could the source allow the Toplet bombs to exist? Look at this ridiculous Cobra lie

  6. Post by cobra in 2012:’During this time frame, fears about world war 3 and martial law will arise. Although the Cabal has plans to make those things happen, they will not be successful. Positive ET races and the Resistance Movement want peace and it is within their power to prevent world war 3 or martial law simply by pressuring the key members of the Cabal. ’

    1. It's a complicated situation. I do believe that some of what Cobra says is true, but there appear to also be many inconsistencies/distortions. I still believe there are Light Forces, as I can intuitively feel there is a positive Et presence, but Cobra may not be accurately representing them.

  7. Not a surprise Cobra would say such a thing... as I'm sure he is Cabal's controlled opposition.
    My 2 cents, of course.



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