Google Censors Me Too

This just showed up when I checked my posts today:


Found it:


"Plans within Plans of the Negative Elites" has been taken down.  This one was posted back around the 20th of this month.  Oh no.  What will I do?  They took a post down that everyone who was going to read it, has already read it.  Oh gee.  This sure ruined my day...🤣

Sad, sad, sad... 

I will use their retarded censorship of that post to my advantage and share it elsewhere.  Censoring people just makes things worse for the ones doing the censoring.  Anyone who would like a copy of that post can reach me at: 

This also confirms that Cobra really was censored recently, and it was not some kind of 'trick.'   They are seriously getting desperate lol!


  1. lol yes, but I can't think of any reason cobra would use this blog for ten years. Using cabal servers is very easy to track down and very dangerous. They can even modify your blog content privately.

    1. This is why JS website is built the way it is.

      Its also proof 2012Portal isn't a real threat to the Order when it can exist relatively untouched (except for that article 'War and Peace) on Google owned Blogspot.

      Otherwise they would have to be like how JS codes his site from the ground up, without any admin tools (which is where the Intelligence services' backdoors exist) if they were actually talking with forces that are actively taking down the Enemy.

      We have already seen most genuine alt-media get hammered, Infowars being the most obvious. Anyone else at this point who's still around and calling itself alt-media is likely compromised.

  2. Iceland keeps screwing around with JS's servers and JS the process of migrating them to a less bothersome location.

    Keep the 2 new URLs mentioned earlier

    as well as the one that got shut down temporarily so if one doesn't appear to update for several days try the next one.:

    After bookmarking be sure to go to properties of book mark and remove the excess URL leaving only the IP address.

    Refreshing with F5 won't work, here you refresh by making sure its IP address only. Then hit the book mark automatically to refresh.

    Same goes for the new URLs mentioned previously.


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