Thank You, and Goodbye For a While

It's not easy to say that Cobra, who I've been a part of for several years, is lying to us.  It's been very upsetting and stressful.    

I'm doing the best I can with the information I have and using my intuition by saying what I've been saying.  I could be wrong.  I could be manipulated in some way.  If so, I apologize.  

I've decided to (maybe) stop posting for a while.

I can't just be expected to put all the pieces together with my intuitive abilities, and there are so many variables and so much information I don't have access to.  I'm sorry, but I can only go so far with intuition and very limited intel.  I'm certainly not all-knowing, and I don't want to mislead anyone.  People need to use their own discernment, and be self-leading, and that's what many do.  People will decide on their own what they believe to be true.  All anyone can do is the best that they can with what they have.

To always be waiting on the future is a denial of our true nature.  The duality of patience vs. impatience need not exist when finding a place within that is sacred, which is part of living in the Now.

Ultimately what we take with us are the experiences that are meaningful to us. 

I was glad to participate in the Divine Intervention Meditation and Petition, and spread this around the globe, and I wish everyone the best in whatever path they may choose.



  1. Yes, it's time for you to rest,👌

  2. Cobra is deep state. He is advertising the same "savior program" as religions do, this time updated to "galactic terminology" - ascension/evacuation/benevolent races helping humanity. All design to make you give your mind away and do nothing for yourself. While humanity is still largely living in an idiotic state. If you want to be closer to truth read Wes Penre.

    1. WesP resonates with me as well, and knowing how to "exit the grid" is beyond comforting!

  3. I have been having a hard time with all the "info" myself. All of it. I want my music, art, literature, fun back. What will be will be, but I can be myself, living my own life as much as possible, whatever occurs externally. Have you read "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denesovitch"? It's a powerful work about the gulags.
    I love your blog. I don't always comment but I read everything you post.
    "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" O.Wilde

    Hold Fast Starlight

  4. I'd say good riddance to this liar!
    It is clear he is Deep State controlled opposition. When all signs show that the Alliance is making good progress and our liberation is getting closer and closer, this loser tries to let us down by saying the Event/Liberation is still years and years away because of bullshit toplet bombs/Ascension Plan delayed indefinitely or some other sadistic excuse to get us angry and anxious and extract a lot of loosh to the dark forces.
    I'd say drop this fucking clown.
    There are more reliable and uncompromised sources out there.
    Go within and find your own truth.
    Stay strong everyone.
    We are closer than ever now!


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