Ascension Update

It's actually relatively easy to tap into ascension energies currently.  At least, that's what I feel I'm doing.  Listening to and singing Solfeggio frequencies, and working with the Solar Sun and Galactic Central Sun help bring these frequencies into the physical body, at least from my own experience.  Perhaps positive Ets are also assisting with this.

There's this idea that self-work is something no one wants to do and most refuse to do, which is why most people's lives are so miserable.  This is not true.  Self-work doesn't have to be difficult, undesirable, and unachievable.  The frequencies that are coming through help to clear away anomaly that is carried within.  It's not really a grueling task.  It was never intended to be a grueling task.

Let the Cosmic Galactic Solar Light come through.

Smooth sailing. 


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