"The Occultist" Who Has Been Attacking Me Moved to Akron, Ohio in 2021

Akron, Ohio is 66 miles from East Palestine, Ohio when using mapquest.

Me deflecting his attacks hopefully didn't backfire in the manifestation of the train wreck in Palestine.  He had an insane level of dark occult power, but it would be narcissistic of me to entertain too much the possibility of my deflection of his attacks resulting in the biggest environmental catastrophe in US history.  (The severity of harm from the chemicals is on the same level as being hit with a nuke.)

The movie made staged in Ohio just weeks before the disaster proves that this goes beyond myself and "the occultist."  

I (reluctantly) created a facebook with a fake name so I could go to his page to check up on him.  The guy doesn't look like a threat now.  I saw him in some recent videos, and he looks like he's aged about 30 years starting at around 2019.  He looks old and weak. 


  1. Hey, Starlight this is Deathcakes from Sirus King I just wanted to share with two book and youtuber if you heard of her I wanted to share her with you. Also i just wanted to talk with you personally share my findings perspective: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3Jc9e1YxXc&list=WL&index=30

    1. I really relate to what she said! I've been assaulted in similar ways by entities - they definitely can be tricky. I've been curious about what can done beyond the typical 'just burn sage' mentality. It would be a really good idea for me to read her book in the future. Thank you for sharing!

    2. No prob, your circumstance has been on the book shelf of my mind after i read it a while ago i have a bunch of books on psychic defense. Gonna do a whole notebook on the subject using these books a reference. and she has two books

    3. Awesome! I'm reminded of a book called "War in Heaven." It goes into souls that become vampiric on the other side because they want to be immortal without incarnating. They maintain themselves by feeding off the souls of people who die traumatic deaths through human sacrifices. It's disturbing but well worth the read.


      I hope that this doesn't happen as much in modern times.

  2. Thanks for sharing this, I just to ask this where you spiritual before your attack were you dabbling in spiritual concepts for a while or was the attack a random event. I just want to know your motivation for studying because I see a lot of your studies lean toward the topic of psychic self defense and protection.while a lot of us are more about discovery and self growth and expansion.

    1. It's a very long story. I had encountered many esoteric groups in the past. I was very mouthy with many of them, and made many occultists angry. Plus, I've been a part of 2012portal.blogspot.com - supporting mass meditations and so forth. According to 2012portal, the chimera are arachnid beings who are said to be at the top of the negative hierarchy, and I've been attacked by giant spiders in the dreamstate before. So, I am mostly on the defense, but I want to expand beyond just survival, and maybe now things have been cleared up enough in the dimensions.

    2. I see so you have experience so you are coming from a place of experience, I have very little experience unused to study under Sirus King other associate Makalesi and and when she stopped doing Content Sirus King stopped doing YouTube, my studies lagged I was still learning but more at Snails pace. When I got back on track with life I decided to donate to Sirus King and he led me to the Patreon. I will definitely say you are the better of the two of us. I am still not awake or in control of my dreams or astral projecting

    3. Well, I'm not in control of my dreams and I avoid astral projection. I'm not that far along myself, but energies from the violet flame really help, and I listen to A432 music. My conclusion with dealing with other baneful magicians is:

      Although I may not have the occult experience they have, time is my weapon, because most baneful magicians live lifestyles that wear them out over the years. They don't take care of themselves, and then their ill-willed magic starts coming back to them to collect. Someone who doesn't even have much occult power can win in the end if they eat right and stay away from drugs, including marijuana. Marijuana puts holes in people's auras. In my case, it was a matter of outlasting them.

    4. Thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate you for sharing your experience with me, and I am glad to have you be part of the Sirus King Patreon and to be able to study with you and hope you do become stronger and stop being in defense and are strong enough to to astral travel expand and explore.

    5. Definitely! Lately I've been feeling the need to expand much more. Thank you for the conversation! 🙏

  3. I'm not sure what the ley lines are out here. I may check it out. Key is to be able to stop these things before they happen. Easier said than done I guess. All the best. 🌹


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