The Power of Words

If disempowering self-talk happens, or if I hear disempowering thoughtforms directed at me, I will focus on the I Am Presence that goes beyond words. 

I Am Presence can be accessed at any time, regardless of being attacked or not being attacked.  

There are many experiences that cannot be labeled with words. 

Words need to be used primarily for balancing and self-empowerment purposes.  This doesn't mean that words cannot be used to call matters out though, because calling something out can be a form of self-empowerment. 

Regarding online interactions, someone chooses whether or not to become upset by the words of another.  In comments, no one can harm another with their words, unless this is allowed by the other individual.  I repeat, no one can be hurt by the words of another unless this is CHOSEN to be ALLOWED.  Being triggered is a CHOICE.  From past interactions, I owe nothing to anyone else, and no one else owes anything to myself.  I choose not to limit myself to past online dramas.

Regardless of being defined as good or evil, as some put it, it's important to go beyond the limitations of being defined as good or evil.  This doesn't mean that abuse is acceptable, but many times people are too hard on themselves, believing themselves to be evil when they are not.

The real self is the undefined I Am Presence that goes beyond all words.  Words can, however, be powerful tools to disentangle the undefined self from limitation.

Examples of self-empowering words:  

"I don't care what anyone thinks of me.  I am present beyond words."  

"I am balanced and in harmony with my environment."

When a disempowering thought is sent to oneself, reply, "I am not that thought, and I return that thought to the sender."

"I don't compare myself to others.  The real self is beyond the limitation of comparisons to others." 

When a disempowering feeling emerges, reply, "I am beyond all disempowering feelings."

When something doesn't go my way but I can't do anything about it, reply, "It just is.  I let this go."

"I free myself from anything disempowering from the past.  I am undefined, beyond space and time." 

(People can use these word combinations, and/or make their own if they feel guided.)


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