How Certain People Are Targeted and What to do About it

There are various mantras I repeat internally at various times throughout the day as needed.  I can do this to put myself in more of a meditative state, or to just dissipate negative thought-forms.  For example, I use this mantra when I have negative scenarios that enter my mind of myself getting into conflicts with others:

"All duality ends."

In the dreamstate there are times when I wake up telepathically hearing a child being raped/tortured.  There will be a muffled torment of a squealing child being heard and so forth.  Therefore, I have decided to also use this mantra:

"All child abuse ends."

Update observation:

When I start setting myself free, the negative forces just find more extreme ways to keep me back in 'square one.'  What better way to keep me in square one than to abuse children, psychically show me this, and then try to make me feel like it's my fault?

Am I that important?  Maybe it's not just me, but others as well who this is being done to.

It's important to keep clearing/liberating oneself, no matter what methods they use to keep oneself trapped.  The negative elites/cabal have been abusing children for eons.  They may be more desperate than ever from what's occurring in Ukraine, which is also why they managed to censor one of my posts.

It's not just the negative elites who may be desperate.  Negative entities/Ets may also be desperate.


It's not 'low vibrational' to expose what one is experiencing.  If I kept my mouth shut, this would be counterproductive.  People should not be looked down upon just because their experiences in the dreamstate are not positive with nice Ets helping them ascend and so forth.  It's archonic to look down on those who are having a difficult time due to targeting.  It's archonic to blame those who are being targeted for not being 'spiritual enough' and so forth, as though they 'brought this upon themselves' and so forth (weaponized spirituality). 

TI's/lightworkers are not responsible for the Evil actions of others.  It's not selfish to remove self-destructive thought-forms and implants.  The sooner this gets done, the sooner the remaining negative entities and anomaly will be completely removed. 


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