The Surface Population is Addicted to Drugs

The following are addictive:



Theobromine/Caffeine combination (chocolate)



Vegetable oils 

Sugar substitutes



Illegal Substances 



The following video explains the addictive nature of many foods on the list above that people take for granted: 


Protein is on the list but is the baseline addiction, whereas, the addiction to protein is so fundamental that people will die without it.  Many will claim that protein is not a drug because it's necessary to survive, but originally, celestial light was the only food anyone needed. 


  1. I seriously question the concept of "addiction". If you really think about it, everything in life is addictive! The very air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the sun light, as without those things we can't survive. Too much of any of those things as much as any drug can kill you.

    1. An addiction is something that causes harm, either in the short term, or over a gradual period of time. Protein is therefore addictive because it wears out the brain, although it takes several decades. Celestial light is nonaddictive because it doesn't cause deterioration. Something can feel good, and celestial light feels good, but what makes something an addiction is the damage/deterioration it causes over time.

  2. Also the very fact that people so desperately cling to life and are afraid of death can be considered an addiction. The opposite is also true. In a nutshell, the very concept of living is an addiction. So I question, who are the scientists to tell what is an addiction and what is not? The very fact that they are addicted to experimenting and addicted to the scientific way of seeing life says it all. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

    1. I'm not sure if clinging to life is a cause of deterioration, so it may not be an addiction. Negative thinking is addictive because it causes harm. I'm not sure about being addicted to seeing the world scientifically. This could cause harm if this is done exclusively, neglecting the intuitive mind.


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