State of Affairs

I normally don't post Jim Stone's material, because he can be overly 'gloom and doom,' but felt this to be relevant.  I will post a response at the end of this reading. 

Quote from Jim Stone from today:

I am going to say something in conjunction with the next post that lots of vaxxed people are not going to like, but it is TRUE.

DEAD WEIGHT. I am going to say it like it is. This is a workplace reality EVERYWHERE. In EVERY place I have EVER seen, every job I have EVER SEEN where a machine was not dictating the speed at which someone worked, there almost invariably and with little exception a situation where between 25 percent and 35 percent of the workers actually contribute and the rest are predominantly place holders and dead weight. 

I am going to say what I know is true: The people that have resisted being vaxxed up to this point are for the most part the 25 to 35 percent that is the most productive. I am sure a few star players out there have been ruined by the vax, and that there will definitely be examples of dead weight that refused it, but I can also flatly state that for the most part the type that DID get vaxxed is the type that sits in cliques doing lackluster work while they back stab their way to the top. 

As a result of the overproductivity of up to 35 percent of the work force, - the portion with talent, brains, and drive sufficient to get the truth about things - the "conspiracy theorists" - we have not seen the real vax disasters yet. The vaxxed predominantly sucked more at their jobs than they used to, and those who can pull more than their weight and stayed unvaxxed picked up the slack and probably did not notice a whole lot. 

What is going to happen when the "dream teams" all opt to quit because they are far beyond "not stupid enough to get that crap put in them??". Force THOSE people off the job, and there absolutely will be a disaster.

Too many celebrities are dropping dead from the vax for the coverup to continue

Too many critical people have noticed, and there will be a crash.

I remember the old pace, where perhaps once or twice a year you'd hear about a big celebrity dying. Perhaps there were more dying than there appeared to be, because back then, pre covid, usually celebrities died when they were ancient and forgotten. But there is a new trend where currently active celebrities are dying in droves. I have never seen so many headlines about dead famous people who are still relevant. 

On top of hollywood type celebrities, there are now so many sports players dying or passing on the field, (the number is far over 400 now with about 65 percent of those dead,) and they all died live on camera in a way that no one who is into sports could possibly not see happen more than once. 

How on earth could this possibly be hidden?? 

Within two weeks over 30,000 truckers who drive the Canadian border are going to quit because Canada is going to mandate the vax for international crossings, and that's just on the Canadian side, lots of American truckers are going to quit too. 70 percent of what goes into Canada arrives on truck, with an enormous portion of the remaining 30 percent arriving on rail. Rail workers will also be quitting due to the mandates. What position will that leave Canada in?  

Truckers and rail workers are at an intelligence level that broadly accepts the vax. That level is defined as: Professional, but not a PhD. Why would that group be so "vaccine hesitant"?? Is it because they saw too many sports players die? Is it because radios can't be censored? I'll say it like it is: Despite the decline in CB radios in use on trucks, truckers are still connected. They are the hardest group to censor because they HAVE TO communicate one way or another. Is that why so many truckers are refusing the shot? Is it because they can't be shut up??  

Question: What is going to happen to Canada when the cross border truckers quit? They are going to. They know what the shot is. What is going to happen in the United States when the likes of scamming Sotomayor get their way?

How is the country going to keep running once the truckers quit?

We all heard the rumors of them quitting before. Everyone in America to at least some degree saw supply chain issues, But it is perfectly clear that the big doom has not happened. Everyone got their wheaties. No one starved. There were only rumors and rumors of rumors that doom was on the way and no one really saw it. Canada is about to see it. The truckers are rooted in against the vax so deeply that they very likely will trash the economy avoiding it. And what is going to happen if the supreme court finally totally outs itself as the con job that it is, either with a bogus ruling on the vax mandate, or by stalling so long it does not matter because all the deadlines passed and people were forced to get the shot just because that corrupted court kept the decision in limbo for so long?? 

Make no mistake: Everyone but Clarence Thomas sitting the bench in that "court" is a treasonous criminal, and Clarence can't overcome that. He cannot force them to issue a judgement in a timely manner and as strategy, the rest of them are likely to just sit there and run out the clock. That will have the same effect as them ruling in favor of a mandate.

All hell is going to break loose even if the most corrupted court in the country rules against the mandate too late and they know it. They KNOW IT. They want the country dead and if it is too politically tough to force the vax via ruling to force it, they can just "delay a decision" until it happens by default. I bet they will.

So where will that leave America? America has been spared the biggest disasters just because a lot of truckers kept moving because they were never actually forced to vax. Will they quit once they will be forced? YOU BET THEY WILL. And I would too.

Order out of chaos -

Of course the supreme court wants the truckers to quit. They want everyone who has a critical job to quit. That will get everyone freezing and starving and dying and desperate, so when they offer their "great reset" and global governance they will look like angels and saviors. Order out of chaos, accomplished by murdering enough people with a shot to make it impossible to cover up, - such a high number that those who retain sanity through it all refuse to cooperate as they should refuse to cooperate and as a result end up crashing everything.  

Damned if you take the shot, damned if you don't. The ultimate catch 22. Only one thing can stop this at this point, and it sure is not "peaceful protest."

End Quote



As for Hollywood, some deaths could be from 'secret tribunals.'  Perhaps not all of Hollywood died from the experimental drugs, but were 'rounded up' for their crimes against humanity, one such crime being the heavy promotion of the experimental drugs to further push them onto the public.  Whatever the case may be, the large number of Hollywood deaths helps to collapse the experimental drug campaign.  

Athletes are indeed dying from the experimental drugs.  Strenuous exercise appears to drastically increase the mortality of those who have taken the experimental drugs. 

As for the unvaxxed portion of the workforce collapsing the food supply chain and economy by refusing to follow the possible upcoming mandates, I saw this as well.  This is why I sent the Supreme Court a message on the 7th implying that the mandates will collapse what's left of the workforce in the US.  Grocery stores are already having quite a few supply issues.  

As for exceptional employees refusing the experimental drugs, at my workplace, a very substantial number of workers refuse to get the experimental drugs.  If the mandates go through, this could close the store down (I work in retail).  The only thing stopping the store from closing down would be the option in the "100 employees mandate" to opt out of getting the experimental drugs and instead doing the weekly testing.  If this weekly testing is the harmful nasal swab one where the swab goes extremely far up the nose, I also expect the store to close down.  I for one will not submit to weekly testing if it is the harmful nasal test.  There is a less harmful nasal test where it's just in the lower part of the nose.  I'm not sure if I would do that one or not... hopefully the mandate will be actively blocked by the supreme court in the very near future. 

If the negative elites and their minions are not purged from Canada, Canada will be a disaster.  I don't like to come off as a fear monger, but I also recognize the importance of being realistic.  Perhaps the people of Canada will take 'drastic action' against the tyrants there who are trying to destroy their country.

It's not necessarily true that people would be forced to remove tyrants in office if there are trucker strikes and a resulting supply chain collapse.  I thought this would be the case before, but now I'm not so sure.  People could just go into a state of chaos without 'getting the job done.'  There are many variables.  Perhaps it depends on the country. 

As for the Light Forces/Underground Resistance intervening, the Light Forces/Underground Resistance need to supply the surface population with food and supplies in places where the infrastructure completely collapses, because food will quickly run out if there is a massive number of people quitting if the mandates go through.  I agree that the US will probably be in a state of chaos if the mandate remains in limbo or is passed.  A huge portion of people do not have a backup plan if the system collapses.  This may very well be a catch-22 situation (damned if you do, damned if you don't) if there is no intervention from the Light Forces/Underground Resistance.


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