State of Affairs Part 2

The catch-22 situation elaborated:

If people say "No" to the experimental drug mandates in droves and quit their jobs, this will cause a collapse of the supply chain and economy, and the negative elites can then implement their great reset and dystopian social credit score out of the chaos.  This is the negative elites' version of the "Phoenix rising from the ashes." 

If people say "Yes" to the experimental drug mandates, new mandates will be created in perpetuity for never ending new shots, which will irreversibly open the doorway for the dystopian social credit score system.

The "Yes" scenario gives the negative elites what they want without everything falling into complete chaos.  The "No" scenario is a much rougher transition. 

I didn't realize that by resisting and saying "No," this still falls into the plans of the negative elites, as Jim Stone pointed out.  It makes perfect sense that the ones saying "No" also gives the negative elites what they need for their great reset because of the resulting collapse of the supply chain. 

It is however possible that if the supply chain collapses, people will riot on a sufficient level to overthrow governmental powers.  However, if the tyrants are hiding in bunkers in unknown locations, they will survive the onslaught, and people on the surface might then only attack each other for basic necessities.  Hal Turner has recently stated that tyrants in the US are evacuating to underground hiding places.

However still, if the tyrants are all hiding underground, this would give the public a chance to reverse covid tyranny, as there would be no political authority figures to maintain tyranny.  The question would then be, does the public have the ability to cooperate and not turn into a 'chaoitc anarchy?' 

Also, the underground resistance could be waiting for the negative elites if/when they go into hiding, as has been stated by the 2012 portal.


Say "No" no matter what to the mandates, and keep an open mind to positive forces.  As has been stated, despite rampant abuse on Earth, the universe is not evil.



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