Regarding Operation Dreamland

Lightworkers who were a part of promoting and participating in the Divine Intervention Activation and Planetary Liberation Petition should be multi-trillionaires or richer.   

Ultimately, money will no longer be needed when the Golden Age fully manifests on Earth, but in the meantime, yes, definitely, lightworkers deserve better.  Lightworkers may not become multi-trillionaires, but should receive monetary compensation for their contributions.  Many lightworkers live very abusive lives with not very many options because they are so poor.  This was in large part because of the negative elites and their minions. 

Here's Cobra's description of Operation Dreamland:

"The purpose of Operation Dreamland is twofold.

First, to restore abundance to the Lightworkers. Many Ligthworkers have a belief system that spirituality means living in poverty. This belief system is mind programming from the Cabal. In truth, physical abundance is a natural expression of the beauty of the incarnated Soul and every Lightworker deserves it. The Cabal wants to keep Lightworkers away from money to hinder the progress of the Light forces. The methods of the Cabal range from relatively harmless such as paid disinfo agents posting ad hominem attacks for “Cobra taking $1000 donations”, to moderate such as non-physical negative entities blocking business activities of the Lightworkers and then to more serious such as blocking access to funds that belong to the Lightworkers or outright stealing them.

Saint Germain Trust has been established in the late 18th century by Comte de Saint Germain with a purpose of assisting the Lightworkers at the time of the shift of the ages. Saint Germain Trust will be unblocked as soon as the Cabal is removed at the Event. Lightworkers will be finally able to live in abundance."

If Dreamland v0.0 is operational, as was stated by Cobra on the 21st of December, 2021, then perhaps there are ways to now compensate lightworkers without the negative elites and their minions getting in the way. I understand that The Event is not here yet, but surely there must be a way for lightworkers to compensated in the here and now.  It was lightworkers who made the most important contributions to the planet and surface population by opening the doorway for Intervention and First Contact, yet it is lightworkers who live at or near poverty.  This needs to change now.


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