
Showing posts from 2022

Planetary Needs Vs. Personal Needs - Do Both!

The solution to the dichotomy of personal needs vs. planetary needs can be solved by having two separate practices, as follows: 1. Planetary Needs: - This involves focusing on the Violet Flame and Flower of Life Sphere around Earth with aided light from the Cosmic Central Sun being sent to all Central Suns in this universe, through the Galactic Central Sun, through all beings of Light in our Sol system, through all beings on and within Earth, through oneself to the center of the Earth, for the clearing of chimera and anomaly. 2. Personal Needs: - My own magickal practice takes about 30 minutes a day.  I am also actively learning about the positive side of the occult from various books and sources, as has been mentioned in previous posts.  I also take time to ground with my physical surroundings, which is often underestimated in importance.

Emergency Meditation to Remove All Remaining Chimera

The idea came through that these chimera I encountered in the dreamstate are guarding the AI quantum computer.  Therefore, I'm asking as many Lightworkers as possible to meditate on dissolving these chimera, along with all remaining chimera on Earth! We all know the steps in the meditations by now.  Invoke the Violet Flame.  Bring through Pink Light from the Cosmic Central Sun through the Galactic Central Sun, and then imagine the Light Forces dissolving the remaining chimera with the Flower of Life sphere.  Visual is here for the Pink Light: Violet Flame can also be used to dissolve the chimera.  Do what feels best. Let's finish this, once and for all! 

Major Attack by Chimera!!!

In the dreamstate last night, I encountered an entire 'family of chimera!'  I was attacked very strongly, and even PHYSICALLY felt something touch my left arm!!!  These were giant tarantulas attacking me all at once!!! I had a second dream about the chimera early this morning.  People were in a movie theater.  The first two or three rows had people with a goth-like appearance with these pitch black tarantulas crawling on their faces.  These people looked zombified by them. The Jinn could be tricking me, but I don't think the Jinn could be making this one up.   There are definitely more chimera to be cleared - a huge number of them!  I thought most had already been cleared.  That was the impression anyway.  Definitely not the case!

Angels and the Light Forces

When doing Violet Flame meditations, I notice that when this is in a context where the Light Forces are interacting, the energy becomes much stronger.  The Light Forces probably make the Violet Flame much easier to access for those on the planet surface.  2012portal has mentioned Archangel Metatron before: "...Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree."   The Light Forces probably work for and/or alongside many different Angels.  There are various books describing Angels and how to contact them that may be worth looking into.   Angels have the ability to improve manifestation.  Different angels can help with different requests, and interacting with them helps to anchor more Light on the planet surface.  Perhaps the Light ...

I Suspect that Most Lightworkers Only Have Surface Level Knowledge of the Occult

I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the vast majority of lightworkers don't have the ability to see the astral in the waking state at will.  I suspect that the vast majority of lightworkers know the terms "astral," "etheric," "plasma," "mental," and so forth, but they don't know how these planes operate, with their different subplanes, and so on.  When it comes to actual metaphysical abilities and awareness, I suspect that the vast majority of lightworkers are extremely undeveloped compared with adepts.  Doing lightworker meditations is fantastic.  It's extremely advanced to pull Light from the Cosmic Central Sun and Galactic Central Sun.  However, what about all the other levels in between?  I suspect that the reason negative forces have one up on lightworkers is because lightworkers don't even have basic level understanding of the occult.  For the cabal, it's probably like 'taking candy from a baby.' A comm...

Attacks Continue, But Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The attacks from a particularly baneful magician continue.  The prickly feet were very intense last night as type of 'magickal binding,' and I heard the thoughtform, "I will bring you through hell!" This may be the one who I refer to as "the occultist" in a previous post.  I'm not completely sure though.  Whoever it is, this is what I have to say.  This goes where it needs to go: Maybe you've done some good works, but the negative works you've done far outweigh the positive.  The number of innocent lives you've ruined far outweigh your positive works. You may think you are powerful now, because using baneful magick through the Left Hand Path gives results very quickly compared with the Right Hand Path.  Decades into the future though, when you are on your death bed from old age, you will be sorry, but then it will be too late.  The other side will be waiting for you, and you will go to the lowest subplanes of the astral, where oblivion await...

Taking Discernment to the Next Level

I asked Siris King if I could reveal some of his information on Ets, and he said ok.  This post has information from his patreon channel. With Et information, there are so many different claims being made.  Many claims made by various Et contactees contradict one another.  So, how does someone know what's actually real?  I've learned that the astral, or 4D, is a dimension that can be used to trick people - extensively.   Most people who die end up in 4D, living out made-up scenarios, believing them to be real.  The purpose of this is for planning out the next incarnation.   There are many aspects to 4D which take a degree of effort to understand.  A really good starting point is the book mentioned in a previous post called The Astral World, by Swami Panchadasi.    Because consciousness creates scenarios in 4D, this can also be used to make up stories about Ets! Here's where Siris King's info comes in:   There are not only...

Important Message Regarding Ets and Standing a Chance

I'm not going to expect to be picked up by a ship.  Sorry guys, that's not happening.  People need to start getting right with nature and the metaphysical realms.  Don't rely on Ets to come save you.  That's not only foolish.  It's actually extremely dangerous, because when under this impression, people disregard their well-being, both physically and metaphysically.  I've seen this happen way too many times. Not to be gloom and doom, but we are in serious trouble.  Don't go thinking all the chaos is ok because The Event will save us.  Ask the question, "How does this information change my life in the here and now?"  If it doesn't help, throw it out.   If people get balanced and unite with nature, take care of their bodies, and know a good magician or magicians (not the evil (unbalanced) kind, but the kind who know the importance of being nice to animals), they might stand a chance. -------  Thing is, I can take a lot of abuse from b...

Let's Talk About the Astral!

Lightworkers have been told names of 'planes' such as "astral," "etheric," "plasma," and "mental," but actual true knowledge regarding them is lacking.  There may have been a diagram or two presented on 2012portal or welovemassmeditation, but this is grossly insufficient. The astral is the first plane (it's not really a plane, but a state of vibration) that needs to be known, since it's the next stage above the physical.   Did you know that there are occultists who can see the astral at will while in the waking state?  Did you know that the five senses can be trained to perceive the astral? Most people are psychic, but not in control of their abilities.  There's a huge difference between being psychic and being able to use the full spectrum of astral senses at will.  Developing true astral senses can take several years to perfect. Years ago, I asked Siris King which books are best for learning about the deeper mysteries.  One...

Keep Going

When working with the Violet Flame with certain beautiful and powerful melodies that 'run chills up the spine,' very strong light activates and can be felt within the body.   Do I, a non-adept, non-initiated individual, dare say that this the beginning of ascension?  Yes, I dare. Why such strong efforts to keep me in a fallen state?  Why so many attacks?  Maybe this has something to do attempts to block the ascension process.  Such attempts are failing. If this is not ascension, still, extremely high realms are being accessed - this is undeniable. Many others are having similar experiences.   Keep going.

Corey Goode Being Exposed is a Major Blow to the Cabal

(Thank you to DayStar for posting the video below in a previous comment on 2012portal.) Corey Goode calls his own works "intellectual property."  Intellectual property is fictional by nature.  Corey Goode even admits that his work is fictional, as can be seen at around 45 minutes here: From watching the above video, and hours of other parts of the depositions, Corey Goode is definitely a disinformation agent.  His purpose is to distract people from the actual, real secret space program. I'm going to go as far to say that Corey Goode may actually wind himself in jail from exposing his own money laundering in the depositions.  Also, the people Corey Goode is suing are people Corey Goode himself took money from. This exposure is a major victory!  All the lies Corey Goode has been peddling, trying to make the Light Forces appear to be the villains and so forth - it's over!  Innocent people who were duped can finally move on from the...

There is No Stopping the Inevitable

I've learned quite a bit over the last few days of binge listening to Siris King's patreon.   In addition to breakthrough knowledge regarding Ets and the occult, there is also breakthrough knowledge regarding the sexuality of women there.  I won't go into it specifically, and Siris King has nothing to do with 2012portal, but there are some thoughts I'd like to share.  I agree with 2012portal that men need to learn to be more heart-centered, and women need to be sexuality liberated.  Men being more heart centered balances out their being primarily sexually centered, and women unlocking their full orgasmic potentials balances out their being primarily heart centered.   The cause of men being less heart centered is from programming that being heart-centered is weak.  Historically, men were taught to be strong warriors, with none of that 'sissy stuff.' In general, women have suppressed their sexuality because of being historically sexually abused on on...

This May Sound a Bit Harsh, But it's True, and Needs to be Said

Being in waiting mode for The Event and intervention from the Light Forces, with one's own life standing still, is one of the worst places anyone can be. Learning and growing with science, metaphysics, the occult (hidden knowledge), and personal development (all of which are intertwined) - living life to the fullest - is one of the best places anyone can be. I am not abandoning 2012portal.  Each day, I set time aside to meditate on the Violet Flame.   Yet, I need to continue learning and growing.   Let's face it.  2012portal doesn't update very often, and there is a vast amount of valid and beneficial knowledge that is not covered on 2012portal.  For example, I learned something that's a huge game changer regarding greys, reptilians, and Ets in general from Siris King's patreon that 2012portal never revealed.  My mind has officially been blown.  Seriously, mind = blown from Siris King's patreon regarding Ets, and Ets is just one small section f...

Follow-Up on Siris King, and Possible Realization About The Violet Flame

Siris King covers both the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path.  He gives an overview of the occult from a mountain eye's view.  Lightworkers may not resonate with everything he says, as I don't, because I don't resonate with black magick, nor do I resonate with working with the Jinn.  However, I also realize that we all come from different backgrounds, and I have tremendous respect for his experience and how he reveals the occult. I'm being careful regarding what I say because this is Siris King's information.  It would be wrong of me to reveal information that is on his patreon.  I've been biting my lip regarding various information I've learned there over the past couple days, but I think I can get away with saying this: One discovery of many I've gained from Siris King is that the Angels are very powerful because they've been around quite a bit longer than the Jinn.  Angels are ultraviolet, and perhaps the Violet Flame opens the doorway to a...

Much Of The Internet Has Been Feeling Stale And Empty, So I Found Somewhere To Go!

The main disadvantage to not being an initiate is that there's a very weak foundation from which to know most aspects of reality.    I've said I was fed up with the occult in the past because of all the abuse I went through over the last several years, but there are still occultists who want to help others, who do not abuse their power.   Lately I've been hungry for knowledge.  I kept getting on the internet looking for knowledge, but mostly found emptiness.  I look within for knowledge of course, but sometimes it's nice to encounter knowledge from someone who's more experienced.   I debated who to take seriously in the occult world, and have found that there is very mind-blowing information that can't be found anywhere else from Siris King's patreon channel:    I am still interested in updates from 2012portal, but was also looking for a place to go with a more ac...

I Was Attacked But They Didn't Expect Me To Keep Going

The attacks last night were some of the most extreme attacks I've ever had.  Usually, when attacked like this, I go into victim mode, but this time, I decided to keep pressing forward no matter what.  Each time I was attacked in the dreamstate with pure evil (for lack of better words), many stinging sensations, 'prickly feet,' and loud noises going through my head, I called for help. One can call upon (aloud it possible) many different positive forces all at once, such as, in no particular order: Violet ray from the Cosmic Central Sun to the Galactic Central Sun through all beings of light in our solar system through one's body to the center of the Earth, then repeating over and over "Violet Flame" while resonating with the Violet Flame, White Fire of An, Archangels and Angels, the Communion of Saints, Ascended Masters, positive beings from various religions such as Jesus Christ, Krishna, etc, the Light Forces, the 12 21 and 771 commands, the Holy Cross, the B...

Dissolution To All Remaining Chimera

You can say something like this when working with the Violet Flame: "I am One with the Violet Flame, Earth is One with the Violet Flame."  "Violet Flame, Violet Flame, Violet Flame!" Passion is power:   (Re-tune using A432 tones as needed after listening to music in A440.) May the Violet Flame be with you. Dissolution to all remaining chimera. Divine Intervention Activation is on the 7th/8th:

A Change of Focus

There is a great clearing taking place, but also, the cabal create new negative entities to send.  In my experience at least, until the cabal are physically removed, the dreamstate and visionstate is and probably will be 95% abuse and garbage.  Here's one example out of countless examples:  I just woke up from the dreamstate to see a laughing demon that 'lives in my nose.'  Imagine having years upon years of abuse and nonsense from the dreamstate and visionstate - what a waste of mental resources!  Imagine wondering who's thinking various thoughtforms by hearing them telepathically over several years, when the thoughtforms are really quite uninteresting - what a waste of mental resources!  Imagine getting all these stinging sensations and wondering what's doing it, and then getting frustrated because "I thought this was all going to be cleared by now" - what a waste of mental resources! Only the 5% of the dreamstate and visionstate that isn't abuse and...

Updated: A Soft Restart

Update 12/04: I was having a very difficult time when writing this post, but I'll leave it, because there is an element of truth to be found.  (I'm feeling more optimistic now.) All that is false is removed. All evil that has been done shall be undone.  All that is true remains. Victory of the Light. ------- There are those who have not committed crimes against humanity, but, like many members of the cabal, may need to go to the Galactic Central Sun for a complete restart.  These ones are not evil, but they have become damaged and mutated to such an extent that the best option is a restart. There may also be the option of doing a 'soft restart,' where the current life is deleted, but the rest of the being remains intact.  And/Or, various negative past lives are deleted, and the more positive past lives remain intact.  This may be an option for lightworkers who have been abused in this lifetime (and possibly other lifetimes) to such an extent that healing is no...

Negotiation With The Occultist?

I won't name the occultist for reasons of privacy, and will use "the occultist" as the term for him.  He had been trained in the occult since early childhood.  Judging from my (long distance) experience with him, he is able to work with both the Light and the Dark.  When he feels that someone deserves to have Dark forces attack them, he sends them.  When he feels that someone deserves healing and/or other assistance, he sends healing and/or other assistance. I probably will not message the occultist, because that would require facebook, and for obvious reasons I don't do facebook.  Even if this is not physically read by him, the thoughts 'go out into the universe' and can probably be seen by him on 'other levels.' Another occultist I was working with in 2016 (in physical proximity) had the ability to see the metaphysical in the waking state, which is very rare.  She had angered different covens.  I don't know what her history was with them.   She...

Why I Have So Much Respect for the Citizens of China

Protesting in the United States is not the same as protesting in China.  In most cases in the United States, protestors don't have to worry about their safety.   What the citizens of China are doing is courageous beyond words!  I might not be as courageous, and sadly, so many in the US usually just go along with the playbook, which needs to change. It's also time that I come out of the closet...  Among my favorite movies are Chinese!  There is a very high level of artistry in these movies, and similar movies from China that I may not be aware of.  I'm not really a 'movie buff.'  I find most movies to be boring and obnoxious, so when I say I like these movies, I really do find them to be exceptional.   Here they are, in no particular order: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (The sequel is excellent too.) House of Flying Daggers   Hero Jet Li's Fearless Curse of the Golden Flower Iron Monkey   Ip Man (And the sequels.) I've been c...

Message to All Who Metaphysically Attack Me

The attacks continue against me in the dreamstate.  The attacks are of very loud grinding and static noises that can physically be heard in the head.  The attacks also continue as stinging sensations and the manipulation of thoughtforms. Whoever is behind these attacks, know this: You've been given many chances to stop in the past, and you did not stop.  No more chances shall be given.  Every last one of you shall be destroyed.  I don't care who you think you are.  I don't care about your abilities.  Source has the final say, and I have claimed Divine Intervention from Source.  There is no higher power.

Post Updated - Situation has Stabilized

There was a special kind of attack from the dreamstate, and the situation has stabilized.  I have removed my previous description here because I don't want to make assumptions when I don't know all the facts.   Onward! 

An Upgrade in Discernment

This conversation on 2012portal is noteworthy: Me: Regarding personal experience, I will say this: My extended family are liberal and got the covid shots and booster shots, and not a single one of them has died or had adverse effects. One exception would be a cousin who got sick from one of the boosters, but this quickly passed and the cousin is fine. Yet, there are others who claim that people they know and/or family members have died from covid shots and/or had long-term negative effects, especially online. There is a vast amount of personal testimony online saying this, and several embalmers in the documentary found many clots. So, what's the reality? The conclusion in my latest blog post used the word "possible." FluffyFractalshard: @Starlight432 No, I haven't watched the documentary, but I don't need to in order to know that it is inaccurate. Simply the way these movies are made (like infotainment, all spectacular and "building suspense" - instead o...

An Attempt to get Billions Down to Millions

I watched this, which was very disturbing but needed to be seen: "DIED SUDDENLY" I then read the pathetic Forbes article that ran a smear campaign on the above documentary. The comments section (hopefully it will not be taken down) in the Forbes article had mostly people with personal testimony of vax damage and vax deaths. Here’s the Forbes article that took matters way out of context to try to make the entire documentary look like trash: Actually, that article isn’t even readable now. Just now, an unavoidable ad comes up to buy a subscription from them (at least on my computer.) No thanks, lol! The comments from readers were glorious though. I wish I would have copied and pasted them in a document for all to see.  Anyway, t he main question for me: A re billions of...

Go For It

I don't care anymore what anyone says regarding what geometry to use and not use. Full speed ahead.        

The Real Dark Side

Self-honesty is realizing that to be human is to have the potential to be the worst of humanity, which means the worst of the cabal.  Most people would never want to admit to themselves that they have the potential to be serial killers, pedophiles, rapists, and so forth.  Yet, they do (men do more so than women because (generally speaking) women have more of a nurturing aspect.) "Oh but this isn't so!  We aren't like them!"  Although those who say this probably don't commit crimes against humanity, the potential is there, as the potential is in humanity.  Just look at history.  Just look at history repeating itself, even now.  Genocides are taking place, right now. What's the real dark side?  It's not some watered down Star Wars depiction.  The real dark side is the unlimited potential for evil within oneself.  Through this realization, one can overstand in self-awareness, and then remove such evil forever.   The evil cannot be remo...

Updated with Follow-up Thoughts: Accountability - Yes. Gloom and Doom - No.

Do those who were a part of covid tyranny need to be held accountable?  Yes, absolutely. Is the world's population being genocided by the vax?  Well, take a look here: The world population is now over 8 billion and climbing.  People could say the data is incorrect, but come on - not everything is a conspiracy.   Maybe there are a few million vax deaths so far, and of course, there needs to be absolute accountability, but no, it's not going to kill billions of people.  If it was going to, it already would have. Yes, I encourage vax deaths and adverse side effects to be revealed, but no, I don't encourage the gloom and doom of 'everyone's dying' when the world population is over 8 billion and climbing.   ------- Follow-up thoughts:  The purpose of the experimental drugs was not to kill off the world's population.  The purpose of the experimental drugs was to enslave the world's population into a s...

Why the Negative Elites Need the Left to be Dominant

Both sides of the political spectrum, if allowed to rule completely, can become dystopian.  The Right could have its own version of a dystopia through 'fire and brimstone' religious dogma.  It's possible for a world to exist that is ruled in this manner, similar to the crusades in the middle ages.   In the United States, the negative elites knew that they could not bring about their dystopian rule using the Right.  The Right takes too many issues with transhumanism and so forth.  The Left, however, is very open minded to transhumanism, and doesn't allow 'God' to get in the way of scientific and technological progress.  The Left end of the pendulum was therefore chosen to bring about their desired social credit score dystopia. There are those who say that in modern times, the Left and Right are 'two wings of the same bird.'  This is true if the Right takes actions that at first glance appear to work in the Right's favor, but in the larger picture, ...

The Situation in the US

Hal Turner made a post complaining about people who believe the white hats and military will save the day as being sheeple.  I then made the following comment: People bitched and moaned about the 2020 election, and do the same about the midterms, and then bitch and moan that no one will do anything about it, when they themselves do nothing about it either, except again, to bitch and moan that no one will do anything about it. Is there really much of a difference between people who believe the white hats and military will save them and those who bitch and moan that no one will do anything? Not really. And what? You want me to get a gun and shoot these deep state assholes? Then they would declare martial law and have a new excuse to take everyone’s guns away. The dems are evil, but are obviously way more organized. A bunch of loud fat asses vs. organized crime. No wonder they took the Senate. What’s the solution though? You tell me. I’m not impressed so far. Not impressed at all. (En...

Another Problem - Dream About Negative Ets

I just had a dream about trying to escape an abduction by negative Ets.  My intuition told me they are the negative greys.  I woke up in a fearful state, feeling that I would have to fight for my life.   How can the negative greys be here in ships if 2012portal keeps saying most of everything has been cleared?  Is this the Andromedan chimera AI matrix mentioned by 2012portal messing with me, or is there 'something else' going on?  Why would 2012portal not ever mention the greys?  Why am I still getting stinging sensations?  What's going on? Something's really not right...  I don't want to fear monger if the Light Forces are here for positive intervention, but am I supposed to just ignore my intuition?   If it's the AI matrix going haywire because it's about to be removed... I really hope this is case.   Honestly though, I don't know what to believe anymore.

Problems, Problems, Problems...

I had a friend in high school who was an outcast like me.  We were best friends.  Then later in adulthood, he really got into H.P. Lovecraft and Cthulhu.  I told him I couldn't go down that road, but he didn't respect this.  I would see entities in the dreamstate that no one should see.  A huge amount of damage was done.  I just had a dream about him, and the dream was very coherent and clear.  He thinks I'm his enemy, and I feel like he is trying to hunt me down.  I'm ok with admitting that he scares me.  He's a very scary guy. It has also come to my attention that many conservatives may want nothing to do with the Light Forces, viewing them as a part of the NWO.   Already, there appear to be many problems from the surface population regarding contact with the Light Forces.  Not only are there many sources like Corey Goode basically saying that the Light Forces are evil, along with many other sources that are against Metatron ...

What I Can and Cannot Be One With

I can be one with the authentic.  I can be one with nature.  I can be one with planetary bodies.  I can be one with Suns and central Suns.  I can be one with genuinely positive Ets.  I can be one with my true nature(s).  I can be one with the true Source and associated realms.  I cannot be one with illusion. I cannot be one with certain people's thoughtforms that I am a psychopath.  I cannot be one with most of the thoughtforms of the surface population.  I cannot be one with the cabal.  I cannot be one with false programming that continually attempts to take the place of my true nature.  No matter how hard evil tries to alter my core essence, I cannot be one with evil.

The Great Beyond

I've watched this video from start to finish, and the geometry he presents very much resonates: Dismantling the Dark Gridworks - Focus to what is Beyond As always, people can search within themselves to know what resonates and what is true.     

The Abused Should Not Be Allowed to Abuse Others, and Gauging Politicians

Although I usually don't pay attention to what happens in the dreamstate anymore because most of my dreams are ridiculously stupid, this won't leave me alone so I'll go ahead and write about it.  I don't want to make posts anymore at all, but here goes: I had a dream the other day about Jewish people stealing power.    There are Jewish people in key positions of power who abuse their power.  The Jewish people were abused, and now some become the abusers.  That's the pattern with other groups that are abused as well.   Various demographics of abused people often get away with abusing others because hardly anyone dares to stand up against them, because to do so would mean 'getting crucified.'  Even me writing about Jewish people like this could cause extremists to call me antisemitic.  I'm not singling Jewish people out - this is just what recently came up. All abusers, regardless of the abuse they went through in the past, need to be stopped....