Important Message Regarding Ets and Standing a Chance

I'm not going to expect to be picked up by a ship.  Sorry guys, that's not happening.  People need to start getting right with nature and the metaphysical realms.  Don't rely on Ets to come save you.  That's not only foolish.  It's actually extremely dangerous, because when under this impression, people disregard their well-being, both physically and metaphysically.  I've seen this happen way too many times.

Not to be gloom and doom, but we are in serious trouble.  Don't go thinking all the chaos is ok because The Event will save us.  Ask the question, "How does this information change my life in the here and now?"  If it doesn't help, throw it out.  

If people get balanced and unite with nature, take care of their bodies, and know a good magician or magicians (not the evil (unbalanced) kind, but the kind who know the importance of being nice to animals), they might stand a chance.


Thing is, I can take a lot of abuse from being hit with stuff. Problem is, I get older. It starts to wear me down, but they don't let up, and the aging process weakens me to the point where they finish me off.  Hopefully it's not too late, and I can get back to where I'm supposed to be, back to the basics - nature, being present, and healthy/safe learning about dimensions.  Also, possible assistance from people who know what they are doing.


  1. Wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

  2. Hi...why do you say we are in serious trouble?

    To be honest I don't see how that is possible after everything that has been done...

    Could you explain further the reasons you see for that being the case?

  3. Hi...could you tell me why we are in serious trouble?

    To be honest I don't see how that is possible with everything that has been overcome...

    Could you explain why you say that?

    1. It has to do with the state of the surface population, and how the surface population is viewed by higher beings. Humanity is far more messed up and toxic than previously thought.

    2. So how is humanity messed up and toxic?

      And how is humanity viewed by higher beings?

    3. Humanity is full of atrocities to the animal kingdom, to the natural order, and to their own kingdom. The actions of humanity has caused damage to other realms, and the higher beings are not pleased.

    4. What damage has been caused to other realms?

    5. Steph d'Auvergne, true. I'm not sure what's going to be done about humanity. The perspectives of the higher beings is what's going to determine our future, so maybe if humanity gets in a better place, there's a chance.

      Nero Sun, nukes damage other realms, along with humans opening portals they should not have opened. I don't know the extent of the damage, but I was told that a portion of higher beings view humanity as a virus. They don't all see us that way though.

    6. I get what you are saying about the nukes...but what portals were opened that should not have been opened?

    7. Nero Sun, cabal humans work with opening portals to the Qliphoth, or inverted tree. Really dangerous and harmful entities are from the Qliphoth. The archon invasion of 1996 comes to mind as well for those who follow 2012portal.

    8. First off...thank you for actually answering questions and explaining

      When you say higher beings see humanity as a virus...are you talking about the cabal/evil ones as well as those of the light?

      And were nukes dropped in the higher realms or on earth?

    9. Sure, no problem!

      They are the ones who are light, as super advanced beings. That's the latest I've learned on it, but maybe there's more to it. The nukes dropped on earth damaged other realms.

  4. Newspunch is fake news written by fantasist sean adl tabatabai.. he used to run yournewswire.. his stories are full of fake quotes.. any articles circulating that are written by baxter dmitry, dmitry baxter, michael baxter or sean adl tabatabai are fake news... he uses all 4 names.. hes a clickbait con artist and hes part of the misinfo problem.

  5. Good advice, thanks! Pursuing the positive side of occult knowledge is where I'm going from here, using knowledge from the East, such as Eckhart Tolle's works which are easy to understand - combining this with books from the West on accessing positive forces, such as Angels.

    It's absolutely essential to have a direction to go and not be waiting on intervention. Being proactive is where it's all at!

    Note on Angels: It can take a while to connect with them. Results require patience and dedication. Angels are beings who are much 'higher up' compared with Et ships. Well, the ships in their Light form may be connected to Angelic kingdoms. Possibly.

  6. Yeah, definitely, no one should be waiting when there are so many resources they can tap into.

    The galactic races mentioned in the article may actually answer to the Angelic Kingdoms, because the Angels were here from 3 big bangs ago, according to Siris King. The Angels are more powerful than the Jinn, and do not have strings attached, unlike the Jinn.

    It could be stated that I'm pursuing what's known as "Esoteric Christianity." I never was into Christianity, and people often rebel against it, but that was maybe by design. Well, there are two designs I'm seeing: First, to get people to rebel against Christianity so that humans are cut off from the connection to Angels as much as possible, and second, to have the real empowering aspects of Christianity be hidden, giving the super watered-down (and distorted) version to the masses. I'm also learning from Siris King that this was done with Islam as well. Esoteric Islam is also an extremely powerful magickal system, as is Esoteric Judaism. The rabbit hole goes very deep!

  7. 🤣

    I have a pagan/shaman side that just wants to beat drums and be wild and dance around a fire in the wilderness with a tribe. Of course there's no outlet for this side unfortunately.

  8. It's lost its magic for sure. Good points.


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