There is No Stopping the Inevitable
I've learned quite a bit over the last few days of binge listening to Siris King's patreon. In addition to breakthrough knowledge regarding Ets and the occult, there is also breakthrough knowledge regarding the sexuality of women there. I won't go into it specifically, and Siris King has nothing to do with 2012portal, but there are some thoughts I'd like to share.
I agree with 2012portal that men need to learn to be more heart-centered, and women need to be sexuality liberated. Men being more heart centered balances out their being primarily sexually centered, and women unlocking their full orgasmic potentials balances out their being primarily heart centered.
The cause of men being
less heart centered is from programming that being heart-centered is
weak. Historically, men were taught to be strong warriors, with none of
that 'sissy stuff.'
In general, women have suppressed their sexuality because of being historically sexually abused on one extreme, and on the other extreme, sexually oppressed through programming from various religions around the world. Because of this, women closed off their sexuality to a great extent. Making oneself not feel is a way to feel safe from being hurt. This is what (by and large) women did with their sexuality.
I agree with 2012portal that a sexually oppressed world is easy to control, and the sexual liberation of women will probably be the most powerful force for planetary liberation. Women's sexuality is extremely powerful when fully (and safely) unlocked, which is why the archons and so forth sought to subjugate and oppress it.
If I ever have a girlfriend, I would not be selfish. I would want to help her unlock her true sexual potential, which is perhaps why the negative forces took great effort to cut me off from all sexual contact with women for my entire adult life. (I could have put myself out there more though - some of this is on me.) I suspect that such efforts are a more widespread phenomena than people think. If the kundalini of the surface population really is rising (with great care) from the intervention of the Light Forces though, no amount of covert manipulations will be able to stop the inevitable.