This May Sound a Bit Harsh, But it's True, and Needs to be Said

Being in waiting mode for The Event and intervention from the Light Forces, with one's own life standing still, is one of the worst places anyone can be.

Learning and growing with science, metaphysics, the occult (hidden knowledge), and personal development (all of which are intertwined) - living life to the fullest - is one of the best places anyone can be.

I am not abandoning 2012portal.  Each day, I set time aside to meditate on the Violet Flame.  Yet, I need to continue learning and growing.  

Let's face it.  2012portal doesn't update very often, and there is a vast amount of valid and beneficial knowledge that is not covered on 2012portal.  For example, I learned something that's a huge game changer regarding greys, reptilians, and Ets in general from Siris King's patreon that 2012portal never revealed.  My mind has officially been blown.  Seriously, mind = blown from Siris King's patreon regarding Ets, and Ets is just one small section from Siris King.  For anyone who's wondering what I'm talking about, listen to Siris King's segments on the Jinn and aliens.

I still have problems, but I'm really excited to learn more about those problems so they can be solved.  I'm being proactive instead of waiting for The Event and the Light Forces.  2012portal is important, but should not take the place of ones own life.  

I've seen people in the comments on 2012portal who complain about the waiting, and I've been there myself, but my patience for that mentality has completely run out.  Stop complaining, and live!

Again, I still work with the Violet Flame, along with the Cosmic Central Sun and Galactic Central Sun, and I have very powerful experiences with this, but that's one part of a very large framework when it comes to having a life on Earth.  It's absolutely essential to keep learning and growing!  No one should feel stuck in waiting mode!  Those days are over.


  1. The invisible blogger - lol! Pretty much. I hope Libra is ok.

    I liked the part about the blue flame providing protection, but am somewhat upset that this intel wasn't given to lightworkers much sooner. Many attacks could have been averted with the blue flame.

    The 2025 stuff was a huge turn-off. All future timeframes do is disempower people. It wasn't even guaranteed - 25% - I'll be throwing that crap in the trash can where it belongs. Live in the Now! That sort of thing.

    Thanks again for posting it!


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