The Power of I Am Presence

Eckhart Tolle stated in one of his many lectures that one's presence is far more intelligent than thoughts.  He said that in fact, one's presence is one's source of intelligence.  

One's presence, or I Am Presence, is the you that is experiencing you.  When mental noise ceases, one's I Am Presence can shift from being in the background to being in the foreground.  

Experiences that cannot be defined with words may be part of the intelligence of I Am Presence.  Connecting with the essence of plant life and other environments can be experienced as undefined. 

I extrapolate that I Am Presence is among the highest sources of Divine Power.  I Am Presence combined with the Violet Flame is particularly powerful.  Perhaps Saint Germain would agree.

Personal observation:  My own battle against the dark forces has been a battle over my I Am Presence.  The dark forces wish to suppress my I Am Presence through a multitude of energetic attacks.  I become present beyond thought, which heals and empowers me.  Then more attacks ensue, and so on.    

(I also of course utilize Lightwork, which is strengthened by I Am Presence, and it's possible to do Lightwork without doing an official meditation or giving any outward signs.  One can do Lightwork at any time, during any activity.  Of course, official meditations are great too.) 

Having a strong scientific side is also important.  Often times mainstream science is not real science - this is definitely true in regards to diet.  Many so-called 'healthy foods' are actually toxic. 


  1. Dark Forces came from severely conditioned awareness from a long time ago. It is basically long-standing madness. Warped, turned inside out, awareness, thus, sado masochistic beings with inverted values and inverted ways. We can access that flow inside of us as well. It is the luring of the more low/dense/degrading states of consciousness, like in the movie lord of the flies. They are dependent on the suffering of others anywhere they go.
    I long for the absolute silence of the mind, as it is unfathomable peace and power.
    Sometimes it seems to happen a bit of it, in the most unexpected ways.

    1. The dark forces entrapped themselves in their own machinations. Nothing they do works long-term. Time is always against them.
      Yeah, unexpected ways!

    2. A few days ago, I was actually playing a videogame, while I had lots of different tabs open on the browser, my awareness was split into lots of different subjects, and for a very brief few secons I felt a bit of it - the presence behind it all, that floating all-encompassing force - and the brief feeling of freedom, that feeling of enthusiams, of auspiciousness , like unknown infinite possibilities in all directions. It actually seems to happen for some brief seconds and in a tenuous manner in this type of circumstances. I suspect it is not the same for everybody.

    3. Awesome! It gets very interesting, yes.

  2. Yeah, meditations go beyond mental noise.
    Glad it helped!


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