If It Helps, It Helps

Some say he's "too successful," and thus should not be listened to, but I disagree.  If what he says helps, I listen.  And indeed, what he says helps.

Eckhart Tolle - Enjoying Every Moment - Full Movie 


  1. Thoughtform heard: "I think his message is stupid." My response: You probably watched the first 30 seconds and then went elsewhere. Another thoughtform heard: "Boring." My response: The mind is like this because it's always looking for the next big fix, having insatiable appetites, never being satisfied - vampiric.

    Thoughtform heard that is unrelated to this post: "I met my real family." Could be someone's soul family.

  2. I read several times his book - new earth. It was for me very very insightfull. At one moment, he seemed to me the only human i am aware that is considerably free from ego.

    Actually i suspect the primary implant is what forces presence to identify with the movement of thoughts, and thus the trick which makes presence shift the sense of identiy to a "person" a "human" with such and such characteristics. It seems like the primary biding of the soul to the matrix. Before earth archon matrix, counsciousness was already spread in trilions of lifeforms, but they are aware and connected to source, enjoing the magical universe. They tend to share the core identity somewhat.

    So, what Eckhart Tolle calls ego - deriving the sense of identity through form, especially, the form of the thoughts that arise continually on our mind space - is ofcourse like one of the primary ingredients to trap counsciousness. It is the primary parasitic aspect of the matrix - make the hostage confuse himself with the parasite. The parasite, being the ego / mind implant - the ocurrence of a portion of god / universe or source, having indentity misplaced.

    Everything is going to be alright.

    1. Yeah, there's a force at work that tries to keep the life force entrapped within mind identities. Removal of the lurker will remove all of this, which is maybe why people can get crazy when they start to feel like they no longer know who they are. I actually have been having some experiences lately where I felt like I was disappearing! This was perhaps anomalous parts being cleared.

      New Earth is a fantastic read! I'll read that one after reading Power of Now again. He's definitely got something I couldn't find anywhere else.

    2. "I actually have been having some experiences lately where I felt like I was disappearing! " Oh yeah! The mind/ego/implant/whatever name, has the grip on our physical feelings ( like parasites tend to do)! It will screem and panic a lot when it detects threats to its existence! I hope it wont be so scary the next time it happens to me! Since I have already experienced the 1st time.. When it happened to me, the matrix snapped me back to the standard mind-possession, during the night. I hope if it happens now, there is no mechanism to put me back to the mind cage.

    3. It may be lashing out more lately because of the increase in Mjolnir.

    4. Yes it might yes. Actually, I still have web pages open with notes from Cobra's last 2 conferences that I have not read.. Hope I m able to read it soon. Hope you get better from your overwhelming disappointment with the general situation. I know it is no joke. Me and others feel the same.

    5. The conferences are well worth reading! It sounds cliche, but hang in there!
      Something has changed.


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