The Cons of Meditation (Updated)

There is a massive level of promotion of the benefits of meditation, but could there also be detrimental effects? 

This video goes into a much less heard perspective of meditation, which is actually being trolled and silenced by the spiritual community.  This is a must-see for anyone who wants to know the entire spectrum of the effects of meditation:

"Why do so many meditators want to Kill this Neuroscientist?"

I'm not saying people should stop meditating if they feel it's beneficial to themselves and/or to the world.  2012 Portal meditations can help clear subquantum anomaly and liberate the planet.  But definitely, gurus and spiritual teachers are suppressing information on a mass scale.

The website the interviewee mentioned for "meditators in distress" is:

Update 2/1:

Reps are angry about the Cobra conference.  Saw them in the dreamstate.  One was in a human body.  Then I saw a really angry dragon.  Must be a sign that the conference is very much needed in the US.  I hope it goes well!


  1. Personally, have a bit difficulty doing meditations - getting into the calm focused frame of mind.
    Astral travel, the same. Only once was I able to do a conscious astral travel for a few seconds. There is to much anxiety and noise on my mind space unfortunatly. The same is obviously real for a big part of the lightworkers / starseeds.

    1. Yeah, and part of it may be all the junk in mass consciousness that gets picked up. So much noise out there!

  2. Connection with Light Forces is pretty much all that counts.... Even if it's done without done Meditation, Anomaly clearance will be aided..

    1. I still do meditations, but yeah, a connection with the LF clears it too. The research states that people who meditate several hours a day are at the highest risk of adverse effects. Mindfulness, or focusing on the present moment, is actually different from a meditation as well. I'm learning a huge amount of information I didn't have before on this from the research - very useful! I'll make a post on all the findings. There's so much to this though, it may take a while. So much to learn!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry that this is happening. I don't know whether to say to stop doing the meditations in your case or to keep going. Maybe more shielding with the rainbow flower of life. Anything in your diet that could weaken defenses?

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    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Wow! Yeah, really bad attacks! Seems like you have a stoic perspective, which can help in situations with a seemingly endless amount of BS.

      Maybe there's a way to resurrect your astral body. I hope so! It's important that the cabal be exposed - thank you for revealing what they've done!

      So much abuse is done to people's astral bodies! Many people's astral bodies are in poor shape. The path forward will definitely be a widespread healing of this.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I'm not sure if I should be giving dietary advice because I don't have advanced medical data regarding your health, but maybe try eating some meat to get some strength back. I know of many vegans who had considerable health issues who dramatically improved shortly after eating some meat.

      Glad you can feel that it's being cleared! That's a very good sign!

  3. Is mind the primary implant?

    1. Interesting vid! Getting behind the controller - nice take.
      The mind is not the primary implant, but it can easily become the pawn of it.

    2. I can say though, Intellect (especially human Intellect) exists to criminally suppress higher intelligence and Greater Computational Power..... and it's extremely efficient in blocking any possibility of escaping into Intuitional Planes or entry of Higher Self into lower planes beneath higher Mental Plane.....

      Also, here's a quote from Sebastian regarding the Neo-cortex as a Chimera Creation:
      " The Neo-Cortex in the brain is pretty much a development of the chimera and while scientists claim it was necessary for 'higher intellectual functions' much of it has to do with language. You think in words and that is exactly what the chimera wants. Previous human prototypes and early humans still thought rather in images and communicated more or less telepathically. So the Neo-Cortex mainly serves as a part in the brain which translates higher human communications into words. Few people can quieten their thinking (also by design of the chimera) which was regarded as one of the highest virtues by many spiritual gurus. "

  4. Hmm.. ok!

    That movie is one of a kind!

    1. Found it online and watched it just now. The elevator scene toward the end was epic! Great commentary at the end too. Wow!

      Reminded me of this:

    2. Yes! Its the same thing! And the movie hited at about the same time! Probably some kind of zeitgeist inspiration around.

      The two guys in the movie Revolver that overcame the mind, their demeanour in the movie made me feel a bit of the awesomeness beyhound the veil! There was really something very peaceful about them!

      In this movie it is very evident how the mind is a very effective tool for the dark forces to facilitate loosh production dont you think?

    3. Yeah those two characters were very interesting.
      Oh definitely! The mind can be exploited on so many levels because it's so complex.


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