Rest in Peace, Gonzalo Lira

Gonzalo Lira has died in prison.

No one should be tortured and murdered for exercising free speech.

I kept hoping he would make it.  He will be missed.


  1. I don't have much of a website to share and I'd really like to be able to let all people feel the loving energy of my blog but I'm not worthy enough to go anywhere, can you help me? I really need this help.

  2. I cannot share elsewhere. Besides this blog, I don't have social media accounts to share other people's material.

  3. Just saw the video.
    It is disgusting to watch the level of corruption and the unfortunate event of the "bad guys" having the monopoly of force all the time.
    Things will not look all pretty before the event.

    1. Yeah I've never knew things could get this bad. Maybe things will improve when Pluto enters Aquarius on the 21st. Supposed to be some major clearing starting then.

  4. Your images are inspiring and the message is positive.
    Your views may increase naturaly soon.


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