Sometimes It's Ok To Be Aggressive

Eckhart Tolle would say that it's to be unconscious to get upset with one's mind, and that it's just the egoic mind when getting upset with one's mind, but I'm finding that there are times when it's better to take a more aggressive approach.  Telling my mind to shut up is actually quite liberating.  Sometimes there's just no other way to get it to stop being so noisy and stupid.  I'm also finding that it's liberating to make fun of my mind.  

(Eckhart would say that it's identification with the mind to call it "my mind," but I'm not sure how else to state this.)

Pretty much, my mind has become a freak show.  The minds of others who secretly judge me who have been spying on me (unrelated to Lightworkers) have also pretty much become a freak show, so it's a freak show over a freak show that's happening.  I'm not taking their minds seriously either - I often make fun of their thoughts about me.

Yeah, I'm really messed up, but I'm not judging my real self, because I know all this 'egoic mind stuff' is not the real me, so ultimately, I'm not really messed up.  It's just a matter of the messed up stuff coming to the surface so it can be dissolved.  I don't have to entertain noise and stupidity for that to happen.  No matter what, it dissolves, and there is an end to this, I just know it!  If others can't see that, screw them.  

Nothing wrong with having some aggression every now and then.  Nothing wrong with that at all.


  1. A specific "Arrogance" is needed to resolve things that are imbecilic and wrong.. Spiritual communities deliberately target to reduce Masculinity and promote being passive to put it in a way.... They(Not all) present Logic as satanic, and the 'Acceptance' to every situation to life, making the mind insensitive to all the wrongs...

    "Pride" and "Arrogance" are something that's vital to eliminating the Dark Forces' accidental existence, and it's definitely NOT a hindrance to Ascension.

  2. Enjoy your mind while it lasts! It wont be there soon!
    ( Actually you wont miss it at all.. )


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