Sorry, I Need a Break

I need to take a step back and go into 'watcher mode,' detaching from the mind, being the witness of the mind.  By "mind" I mean thoughts and emotions.  The reason for this is because I'm traumatized over the accident that could have killed me if circumstances were slightly different (there's also the possibility of this accident harming me financially), and because my mind is a mess, and because the world is a mess.  

Regarding the world, I'm sad about what happened to Gonzalo Lira, who was tortured for months in prison before recently dying.  I'm sad that I live in a country who's government openly supports the genocide of Palestinians.  I read some testimony of what's going on in Ukraine on Hal Turner's website with men and young men being kidnapped and being forced to fight in the war where they are basically slaughtered - this too saddens me.  There are wars taking place on so many fronts that just being aware of this has become a source of trauma.  

The economic and political climate in the US and world - there's another mess.  And, oh yeah - energetic attacks continue.

I'm not going to be focused on improvements in the world.  I'm giving up on that, because the wars continue without any drastic intervention.  People keep getting abused and killed.  I also don't believe in waiting until a couple weeks before the Event to see major breakthroughs in the world.  I don't resonate with that at all.  That mentality may be one of the reasons why the world is in the mess it's in.   

I needed to let all that out before saying:

I postponed the inevitable further fracturing and collapse of my consciousness until after Pluto entered Aquarius.  Now though, I really need to detach and let go, keeping it simple.  I can step outside my collapsing consciousness so I don't 'sink with the sinking ship.'  I need to be in the present moment, as the I Am Presence that is outside of thoughts and emotions, which includes expectations of what 'should be.'  I can wipe everything clean, harmonizing with my physical body and environment.  

In summary, right now I need a major break.  I guess I'm human after all, and there's only so much I can stand.  When I'm stabilized enough, maybe I can come back and support various efforts.  Maybe February will bring great progress with various clearings.

In the meantime, I looked up some nice artwork of nature.  I will upload the paintings as the featured post.


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