Regarding Sexual Accusations Against Cobra (Yes, I'll Go There)

I was recently contacted online with someone repeating accusations against Cobra.  The most damaging accusation is that Cobra is some sort of abusive 'creepo' who was having sex with women for money.  

The real goal of making this accusation is to suppress female sexuality.  

The real teaching of tantra involved men and women as couples, and taught them to unify and heal.  I wasn't there myself, but this is what I'm seeing.

I'm seeing that trying to portray Cobra in a sexually shameful way is a propaganda tool designed to attempt to break up Sisterhood of the Rose groups.  That is something the negative elites/cabal would do.  

Sexuality of course has always been a sensitive subject matter, but here's a question:

What is so shameful about men and women being sexually liberated?  The answer is, nothing at all.

By shaming Cobra and reducing him to being just some 'charlatan having sex with women for money,' this is also shaming sexuality.

Sexuality is not something people should be ashamed about! 

I am getting tired of the Cobra blog, no offense.  I very strongly feel that real world experience is needed rather than reading updates on a screen.  There needs to be real world experience of planetary liberation, and the Cobra blog would probably no longer be necessary at a certain stage of planetary liberation.   

Yet, I find nothing wrong with learning tantra, and I find nothing wrong with Cobra teaching tantra to couples.  People who shame sexuality like this need to get over themselves.  

I knew a pagan in the past who was sexually liberated and very powerful.  He had superhuman strength and was a total badass.

Then I encounter someone saying "Oh, this person taught tantra!  What a sicko!"  Saying that is just pathetic.

On another note, the stinging sensations are coming back again.  And no, I don't give a flying fuck.  

Bring it. 

The Galactic Central Sun energies provide powerful Light and protection.  Maybe I'll focus on that more.


  1. Funny enough I was thinking the other day it would be great if I was in a world where everyone was having sex everywhere including on the sidewalk, they would be happy and more active than the brain dead zombie NPCs they are now. And this country I am in is as dead as they come.

    It does say a bit when we criminalize open sexual displays but extreme cruelty and annihilation level weapons in war are celebrated and admired on media.

    1. I don't know about sidewalks. Boundaries are still good, but hey, if I had to choose between seeing 300 lb people everywhere having sex on the sidewalk (there are so many obese people these days) and the plandemic, I'd choose the sidewalk, lol!

      Yeah, the media is the same oppressive force that existed in the dark ages when the church had absolute authority.

    2. Well forget the obese ones then. Obese means someone's been having the lion share of the food.

  2. I was recently surprised to learn that:
    1. the original “Cobra” is now deceased and that
    2. his account / communication is currently run by his colleague / former assistant.
    These details are important in the age of Truth: full transparency versus deception. I believe he’s (the current “Cobra”) doing the best he can from a secondary, not-as-connected source to actual Intell contacts. Still, full transparency is essential.

    1. I saw this claim as well but more evidence is needed. The claim was made that the original Cobra author died in January of 2018, and since that time, Cobra's intel became inaccurate. One such claimed inaccuracy was that after January of 2018 Cobra started to negatively post about Trump and Q (the ones making this claim are pro-Trump and pro-Q), yet long before 2018 Cobra was posting negatively about Trump. For example, this one is from October 17, 2016:

      "As I have also said before, both Trump and Hillary are puppets of the Cabal:"

      Here's one from March 25, 2016:

      "Those who would like to vote for Trump will be disappointed, because he is a Jesuit agent:"

      There also weren't any negative postings about Q from Cobra (correct me if I'm wrong - I don't recall any negative postings), although Q may be a psyop anyway.

    2. (My position on Trump is that I don't care if people are pro-Trump or anti-Trump. What's important is that people believe in basic human rights, not going along with medical tyranny and so forth.)

    3. The OP's comment is similar to one that has been making the rounds that 2012Portal has been taken over by a group after Cobra made some promises, got exposed and took off.

      Still the promise of less cryptic information from over a year back has not been fulfilled.

      We are still seeing coded information that is meant to be known to some mystery group with a history that sounds like it was borrowed from an Ian Fleming novel.

    4. Spec Ops, real world experience has the final say in all matters, including 2012portal. Ultimately I guess it's a matter of people deciding to keep going or move on.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. To the one commenting information for Cobra's (claimed) physical address - although I only censor when I'm being spammed, I don't want to contribute to people knocking on some guy's door and so forth. Consider yourself (selves) blocked.

  4. @ BellasLake, Starlight432

    I've been a follower of Cobra since the inception of the 2012 Portal, when I started researching about the 2012 Mayan Prophecies and found his blog by chance.
    Throughout the years doing research not only on Cobra's blog but on other sources of intel that seem much more closer to governments and military, I realized that Cobra's intel was biased and many times at odds with other insider narratives. As far as I know, the guy who calls himself Cobra has no insider contacts, he claims to have extraterrestrial sources which doesn't say much, he offers no proof of his claims and we must take his word for it because he claims to be an incarnate Lightwarrior from the Pleiades, which to me is very convenient and utter BS. He also offers links of regular alternative news to back up his claims which also means shit.
    Basically what I am saying here is the original man alias Cobra (Alojzia Sulla) not his partner (Ishtar Antares) seemed to have real intel and truth, but he fell ill with Alzheimer in early 2013 and could no longer run the blog, so the 2012 Portal had only legit intel for a few months in 2012 when Sulla was running it. After he stepped aside it became a mish-mash of disinfo, half-truths, biased opinions and utter hogwash by his partner Ishtar Antares. Now I can clearly see that, as many times this fake Cobra guy's intel didn't make any sense compared to official intel whistleblowers, e.g., this Cobra guy HATES Putin and always takes a shot at Putin and Russia everytime he can, when clearly Putin/Russia is part of the Alliance and is fighting the Cabal. This Ishtar Antares Cobra guy gives no evidence of why he hates Putin and defames him so much (aside from stupid alt. news links that mean nothing, he offers no irrefutable evidence to his claims to why Putin is evil), which makes his claims suspicious, as if he is a controlled opposition or a paid troll by the Cabal.
    As to his sexual deviations, I don't have any evidence to that being truth, anyone that doesn't like him can claim he is a pervert or whatever as it is very popular today to use the sex pervert/pedophile card to discredit/character assassinate someone and destroy his reputation.
    But I do remember some weird posts of him defending female bodily hair "because it's the Sacred Feminine/ the Cabal uses depilation ads to defeminize women" and a lotta bullshit. Seriously?! Women are supposed to be Australopithecine hairy monkeys just because he is saying so? There's nothing more disgusting than women that don't shave, I think this guy is either a freak that likes hairy monkeys or he is just distorting things here, since evolved species tend to lose bodily hair, even men today have less bodily hair than 2 or 3 decades ago (I don't remember ever seing a picture of a hairy Pleiadian woman). If Ishtar Antares likes Chewbacca for his bride, that's his own taste, he shouldn't push his grotesque taste for female beauty onto others.
    The Cobra site has become very toxic which is why I will refrain from accessing/commenting ever again. Starlight432 is right "we need a real world experience of planetary liberation rather than reading updates on a screen". I felt like this many times: "why do I need to come to this stupid Cobra blog to tell me what's going on in the world? Why can't I just feel and see with my own eyes that the Cabal is gone and we are finally free?". Yes, eventually the Cobra blog will become obsolete and we will no longer need it (I already don't need it as to me is disinfo and a mental prison to extract loosh to the Archons) as freedom, love and light will be all around us in the very air we breathe.

    1. I couldn't find anything from the 2012portal blog bashing Putin. Cobra did state that Putin made a mistake by doing too much trading with China, but that's all. Could you give the links of Cobra giving negative opinions about Putin?

      There are intel sources stating it would be positive for Russia to overthrow the deep state which controls Ukraine. This deep state controlling Ukraine is said to be from the cabal in the U.S. Even Fulford said an overthrow of Ukraine would be positive. That's why I haven't been doing Cobra's peace meditations for Ukraine. I don't know enough about the situation either way.

      It did strike me as a bit strange for Cobra to talk about body hair. Body hair is something that is a non-issue - if people want to have beards, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. Hairy women would indeed be gross, but Cobra never stated anything about women not shaving at all. Here is what Cobra said:


      "To de-feminize and sexually disempower women, the Jesuits have also organized media campaigns in the last few decades to promote shaving of armpits and pubic hair for women:"

      "Armpit and pubic hair is connected to primordial feminine power that the Jesuits and the Black Nobility families want to destroy.

      They also enforced toxic hygiene products that create hormonal disbalance in women:"


      If women want to have hairy armpits and pubic hair that's fine. Whether or not having hair in these areas didn't strike me as being 'that big of a deal' either way, but maybe there's more to it. I did have a dream a while back about - well, I won't go into the details, lol! Well, ok. It was an interesting dream about being a woman and experiencing the growing of pubic hair. Onward, lol!

      But yeah, I'm finding that it's ok to move on. It's a decision people can make whether or not to stay. Eckhart Tolle's work is helping me to unplug myself and work on my own inner issues, which I haven't addressed until now.

      Real world experience is all anyone can really know. There is nothing outside of real world experience. I suppose the dreamstate could also be a part of real-world experience if the dreams are precognitive and connected to the real world, or 'different planes,' but these 'different planes' need to be real and not conjured up in the head. Dreams are a 'can of worms' because of course many dreams are just dreams and don't mean much, or can be distorted.

      Anyway, I'll allow your comment because it's way better than the other ones giving out someone's phone number and address.

  5. @ Starlight432

    I'm sorry for talking so negatively about Cobra (Ishtar Antares), my intention is not to bash the guy, but merely to offer an alternative view of who he really is. I can’t do that on his blog, if you say anything negative against the author, he will simply block you or not publish your comment, how’s that fair for free speech as he claims to be an agent of light, truth and freedom? At the 2012 Portal most people are brainwashed monkeys dancing and singing to the “VOTL”, “I LOVE YOU COBRA” mantra and you can’t argue reasonably against Cobra’s views. But he awkwardly allows retarded comments of some people that seem to be schizophrenic and write all kinds of new age BS like the earth is flat and cosmic and quantum absurdities not based in truth.
    Anyways, thanks for allowing free speech here so we can all grow and evolve.

    1. Sure! I don't believe in censorship of any kind. There are only rare exceptions. It's true what you say about the comments. In fact, Cobra updated his comments but didn't post a recent one I made with my latest post. This one was important to post. I'll give him some more time to post it, but if he doesn't, I will make a post talking about it.

  6. @ Starlight432

    Regarding Putin, I read many times either Cobra or Fulford saying he was Cabal and yadda yadda. (I won’t remember the links, but surely was on Cobra and BF). He also bashes Trump a lot, when Trump is clearly Alliance and not Cabal which makes me suspect Cobra’s real alliances or ‘who’s pulling his strings’. (FYI I'm not a Trump or Putin fan, I just search for truth.)

    The comment on Cobra’s taste for female bodily hair was basically a satire, I wanted to make light of something I thought to be really silly and not really relevant to Ascension/Planetary Liberation. What difference does it make if you dye your hair green and you have a Mohawk or you are a woman with hairy pits, legs, vulva and nipples? Will this make the Cabal be defeated quicker or the Ascension come sooner? It was totally irrelevant for Cobra to make a speech regarding female bodily hair as this is a personal thing. I particularly prefer the non-Chewbacca type of woman, but there is taste for everything… Of course we are not talking about sexualization of children, the trans-gender agenda which is totally a diabolical and Satanic agenda.

    Yes, I also saw elsewhere someone publishing Cobra’s address and phone number, but of course it was many years ago and probably not relevant now. What da hell?? Why would someone publish the guy’s address? What are we supposed to do with this info? Go up to his residence and lynch him because he is spreading disinfo? No one is forced to read his blog and believe his lies, anyways. We should go after the Cabal puppets and puppet masters instead.

    I heard of Eckhart Tolle, but I’m not really acquainted with his work, so I can’t give my opinion. I’ve been always fascinated by Aliens, Ancient Egypt with its anthropomorphic gods since childhood. But what really started me off in the exoteric topics (life after death, reincarnation, spirit guides, other dimensions and realms) was Dr. Brian L. Weiss books “Many Lives, Many Masters” and “Only Love Is Real”. They are fascinating real accounts of this academic psychiatrist who accidentally discovers through a hypnotic session with one of his patients the existence of life after death and reincarnation. I recommend his books. They are AWESOME!

    Many Lives, Many Masters (Dr. Brian Weiss)

    Only Love Is Real (Dr. Brian Weiss)

    I also recommend “He Came to Set the Captives Free”, a real account of a woman that discovers the elite’s Satanic agenda and rituals back in the 80s.

    He Came to Set the Captives Free (Rebecca Brown)

    1. There's not one single post from Cobra stating that Putin is cabal. One can do search for keywords on the Cobra blog, and find every single mentioning of Putin from Cobra. Cobra stated that Putin works with the Light Forces:

      "Regarding current escalation of tensions between Russia and USA, Putin has received a tactical plan from the Pleiadians how to avoid a global war."

      Cobra has mentioned Putin working with the Light Forces multiple times. Regarding Fulford though, Fulford probably claimed Putin was cloned or something, lol! I wouldn't be surprised.

      I just want to get the facts straight, which is why I'm being so specific.

      I haven't heard of Dr. Brian Weiss, but I will look into this, thanks!

      Here's something from Eckhart:

  7. @ Starlight 432

    My bad! I guess I mistaken Cobra's claims for Fulford. There's so much intel and research I've gone thru the years that sometimes I confuse sources, as I pay more attention to the message than the messenger. Yes, I know how to do research on Cobra's blog by keywords, it's just that I was lazy to do it. But, however, he bashes Trump a lot, though, making his intel biased and not based in facts. Fulford said lots of absurdities regarding Putin as well, but I realized he was just passing along some intel from Cabal sources who are jealous idiots and of course want to discredit Putin as he is their main nemesis and the true bringer of their demise. One thing Fulford said regarding Putin is true: the actual one is a "clone"/"lookalike" as I've done the research and compared photos and they look nothing alike. The old Putin was aligned with the Cabal, the new one (whoever he is) is aligned with the Alliance. There are claims that older Putin was fluent in German and the new one needs an interpreter (a person just not simply unlearns a language) which to me is a valid point that we are not talking about the same individual, but two different individuals. Anyways, a simple photo analysis will make it obvious that there are two Putins, the same thing can be said about Biden, only a brainwashed moron can't see the obvious (and it seems there are millions of these creatures out there). A while back I saw an interview with fake Prince Charles on BBC and because BBC is saying he is Prince Charles everyone should believe it, when you compare the guy with another interview with the real Charles and you can see the voice, the face, everything is different. People today have lost the ability of critical thinking, to think for themselves, they relegate the act of thinking to the MSN, the “authorities”. That’s really pathetic and disempowering. They believe everything the TV tells them, “if it’s on TV, of course, it’s true!”. The same can be said about cult-followers of alternative media blogs like Cobra’s. Because Cobra is saying the world will be destroyed by a gigantic tsunami and 7 billion people will have to be evacuated from Earth to another planet in the Pleiades (minus 500 lucky individuals) it must be true and that’s what’s gonna happen. Yeah, right! Whatever Cobra says, the cult monkeys will dance and sing deliriously like a dervish to his bullshit...

    1. Yeah, there are many lookalikes. There's a claim that there is a lookalike for Trump. This is entirely possible.

  8. ... Regarding Cobra, the Putin issue is not the main reason I don't trust him anymore (as I am not a Putin fan, although I see him as a benevolent leader and I would have him as the sole leader of Europe a million times over those fuckheads of the EU), there are many broken promises and lots of untruths that were said throughout the years, and the meditations seem more like a conduit to extract loosh from us (thru high hopes/disappointments/despair/hate cycle) than promoting any real results in the real world. Besides his intel and promises seem to take a 180 degree turn with no plausible explanations and he seems to enjoy keeping us in the dark and saying this or that is "classified at this point" or "it doesn't serve the highest purpose to answer this question at this time" (I've always hated when he was being evasive). Then, if intel is classified or if something doesn't serve the highest purpose to be clarified, why the hell he puts up a blog about Planetary Liberation/Ascension in the first place? I could go on indefinitely, but anyone should make their own conclusions. I'm off the Cobra train for good; to me he is an agent of the dark forces being used to create dissent among lightworkers, create despair and farm lots of loosh for the darklings, either he is deliberately doing it or he is just being MK-Ultra unknowingly by the Cabal or whatever... We don’t know anything about this guy, his background, only a few things picked up doing research which could very well be fake as well… I don't trust him anymore. There are more reliable intel sources out there. But of course everyone is free to believe in fairy tales. That's all I wanted to say.

    1. I agree that a massive amount of loosh has been generated over the years when Cobra has mass meditations and then there are no results, or even negative results. It's also true that often, people only have Cobra's word to go on, which is not enough to make any conclusions. I felt that the planetary liberation petition may have bypassed all of this, reaching out to whoever is the 'real deal' and so forth. It all comes down to experience in the end.

  9. Star, I felt weird regarding the petition, when the numbers were rigged to nearly the critical mass needed and later half of the signatures suddenly disappeared. This generated a lotta anxiety among the blog followers and it really created a lot of loosh. I wonder if Cobra didn't tamper with the numbers himself. I'm really suspicious of this guy now or however is running this blog. I remember back in 2018/2019 some reliable source I was following mentioned that the Cobra blog had been infiltrated and taken over by some Cabal troll. I believe it was at the time Cobra mentioned something that we could be contacted by the LF and pack our bags and move to DUMBs to help the fight, but that post quickly vanished and someone warned that it was a trap for the reptilians to obtain our consent to be kidnapped and live as their source of loosh being tortured permanently deep underground. For this and other weird things that I have observed throughout the years I don't believe this Cobra guy anymore, unless he shows us his real face, his real name, his background and reliable people would vouch for him that he is truly working for the light. Everything seems so obscure and shrouded in mystery with this guy. I'd say better safe than sorry.

    1. At the very least, people shouldn't just go on one person's word alone, which was the main problem I encountered with Cobra. I remember that post about being recruited. I was all ready to go, lol! Oh well.

  10. The December 21, 2020 Mass Meditation should be an indicator that something was awfully off. Cobra had promised immediate intervention and, nonetheless, what we got instead was the worldwide rollout of lethal vaccines causing unsurmountable amounts of suffering and death.
    What will it take for people to realized they are being conned? Cobra is a punk! He has ever since lost all credibility. Enough is enough of taking us for fools! I understand guys like Sherman being totally anxiety-ridden, stressed out and pissed off in his comments. He seems totally apathetic to anything until he sees tangible results of LF landing and rescuing him from this hell.
    I wish more people would be like him and be proactive and question things Cobra says/promises, not just being condescending fools and following him like rats following Pied Piper’s hypnotizing flute.
    Talking about Pied Piper, here’s the evil Cabal telling us to our faces what they do to our children way back in early 20th century but we are too dumb to get the message:

    1. Nothing wrong with questioning, true.

      It was said that when all black stones were removed, all evil would end. All black stones were then removed, but now it is said to take even as late as 2025 for The Event. Some other reason is always invented to keep people following that carrot on a stick. There comes a point when enough is enough.


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