Whether or Not Following Cobra, There Can Still be a Connection to Source

When the author of 2012portal mentioned the solar cycle timeframes, he made a huge mistake.  This doesn't mean that people should lose their connection to Source over it though.  

When practicing Eckhart Tolle's material, I would be present in the here and now, which helped immensely.  There is a missing piece to the puzzle though, which is the Light.  I reached a point of being present in the here and now but eventually ended up feeling horrible, back where I started, because I had forgotten Source.  It's very important to connect to Source.  I can focus on the Light/Source, being present with the Light/Source.  Doing so brings the Light through - this can be felt.

Many people who follow Cobra have become so upset with the Light Forces that this massively interferes with their connection to Source.  For these people, it's important to realize that the author of 2012portal may be knowingly or unknowingly turning people this way from his many false claims over the years.  It's a very empowering strategy to not associate with what compromises one's connection to Source.  People can even do the current meditations while no longer following Cobra and all the drama there. 

The key is to remove what is creating toxicity and still bring the Light through.  I wish to bring the Light through regardless of following or not following Cobra.  I wished to bring the Light through long before encountering Cobra.

I'm not a leader.  I'm not a guru or a saint or anything of the sort.  I'm a starseed, because I came from the stars.  Guess what?  All life came from the stars, so all forms of life are starseeds!

What will Source do with this creation?  People can bring the Light through and find out, if chosen.


  1. A pertinent comment found on 2012 Portal:

    Galactiquewarrior - February 26, 2022

    "Russia can't even remove a Nazi government. I am really wondering how the Light Forces will manage to take down the cabal at the time of the Event.

    They manage very bad all of this. Again no help from the LF or the SSP to remove them. They let kids (Russian troops) being killed by civilians protecting a Nazi regime. What a sad management. Can't even destroy a broken military.

    I really hope the LF begin to act an remove these Nazis one and for all. That's time. But I can feel what will be next.

    The only country not in a totally controlled cabal will be weaken and then let's goooo for another delay for the Event.

    I am sure the LF don't even support Russia right now, they just let them be.

    Fuck, when is the time they will have the balls to show up? Disclose the SSP now.

    Liberation Now, no more meditation.

    Actually what if the meditation are weakening Russian troops. Because how is having more primary anomaly here are Ukrainian Nazi troops.

    I am wondering if these meditations are in a way weakening the forces of Russia and stopping Russia to take down this Nazi government.

    I am sick of this. Sick of all of this no sense. If the LF are trying to liberate earth that's now."

    My reply (which I'm sure Cobra will not publish):

    "Consider the possibility that Cobra is a Cabal agent infiltrated to weaken the Lightworkers fight against the Dark Forces with stupid and useless meditations that only strengthen the enemy."

    1. The possibility occurred to me.

      Looks like matters are about to heat up much more:


      Maybe Russia will be able to pull it off.

    2. It's difficult to know 'what's what.' What people intuitively feel called to do is what they should do. If it's the meditations, that's fine. If not, that's fine. The vortex one is interesting.

    3. It could also be stated that the peace meditations would allow a more smooth transition of Ukraine rejoining Russia. The speculation can go both ways.

    4. First casualty of war is the truth. Lots of alt-media are also guilty of repeating Kiev propaganda.

      Russia did make mistakes, which was assuming the population would not be psyched after 8 years of anti-Russia propaganda, and in some cases making dangerous moves like sending light reconnaissance groups into the thick of enemy held territory.

      Otherwise hardly any equipment destroyed were marked with the 'Z' symbol that Russian and Donbass forces use.

    5. Spec Ops, yeah, it's only a matter of time before Russia is victorious. The media can't lie their way out of that one.

  2. I'm gonna post this comment here as I know Cobra will censor it, so you can raise awareness in the Lightwarrior community about the 2012 Portal messenger.

    It's been a decade Cobra has been feeding us hopium, disinfo, false hopes and lies. And he even has the audacity to reprimand and censor our justified indignation when we call him out by saying we express kindergarten reactions when none of his promises ever come true and the planetary situation only deteriorates and we are the ones who suffer the consequences. That's what liars, deceivers and trolls do when confronted and exposed for what they are. I feel like it's my duty to tell the world and expose him for what he really is: a fraud!
    FUCK YOU LOSER! You will answer for your deception to the Divine justice!
    The last Situation Update was the litmus test to prove who you really serve! If he were really working for the LF he wouldn’t be afraid of criticism and would allow people to voice their opinions. Censorship is something the Cabal do for fear of exposure.

    Just my humble 2 cents on the matter.

    1. I was thinking things will improve as Russia removes the cabal from Ukraine. This could lead to the end of the Biden administration in the US.

      I don't know enough about the author of 2012portal to make a conclusion either way. I just focus on connecting to a higher power and let the rest take care of itself at the moment.

      Anyone can make a blog and say what they wish on their blog, and censor accordingly. It is their blog and they can do as they wish with it - this applies to 2012portal as well. People may not agree with what is done on someone else's blog, but if people have a problem, they can make their own blog where they can say what they want there. It's the responsibility of people to choose where to place their attention. Online, no one can victimize anyone else without the 'victim' allowing it. The only exception would be outright slander.

      Blogs come and go. If people get tired of a blog, the blog loses popularity because people move on. Or, if people want to stay with a blog, they stay - common sense.

    2. >Starlight432
      I would apply the same logic with the Ukraine-Russian situation.

      Too many are getting hung up on it when most don't even speak the Slavic languages and the culture over there being more Asiatic value the collective over the individual and do not make a big deal over some dead compared to the virtue signalling west.

      Also they have a very different way of running things over there, they are not western Europe and they retain a lot of the ways of waging warfare with the level of ferocity last seen globally in WW2. What has changed is precision weapons to minimise casualties.


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