I Am Here
I went into the woods today and found a place to sit under the sun. I closed my eyes and focused on my breath, emptying everything from my mind. Then, the aliveness of the environment around me came forth, and I felt a deep sense of peace and completeness.
I wasn't trying to focus on love, or light, or anything of the sort. All I was doing was being present and focusing on my breath. To try to focus on positivity only invites the mind to try to create the opposite, causing an internal tug-of-war. The bliss I felt today was natural - not forced.
People are always searching for something in their lives to make them whole, but what makes them whole is right in front of them. Parents whose children are grown up miss having their children being young, because when their children were young, the parents could be in a state of presence, or timelessness with them. This of course doesn't happen all the time when raising children, as a great deal of work is involved when raising children, but the simple things, such as parents playing with their children in the yard and throwing a ball with the family dog - this is blissful timelessness.
The secret is that the timeless present moment can be accessed without having a romantic partner and a family unit. Without having a romantic partner and/or family unit, nature is the easiest access point to being present, at least from my own experience. However, I am able to be timeless even at my place of work. It takes more effort to stop the mind from bombarding me with a seemingly never-ending supply of mental prisons at my place of work, but I have accessed timelessness there. And when I do this, or am this, even the angriest customers can't stay angry for long, because my I Am presence nullifies the negative duality in them. Through presence, it's as though nothing in this world has the power to make me miserable anymore.
I've been angry and miserable for far too much of my life, and I've suffered more than I ever thought possible. Now, it's time to go home, and home has been, and is, right in front of me.
Everyone is on their own path. People don't have to do anything, including being present, and that's fine. The interesting part is that with presence, there is no comparing people, as comparisons are limiting mental constructs. When there is presence, the mental construct of judging others for being 'less evolved' disappears, along with all other constructs.
The problem with many spiritual movements is that they try to take advantage of people, secretly programming their minds with various agendas and dysfunctions. People let their guards down and are infiltrated. Presence allows people to become aware of this though, so ultimately, all manipulations are revealed.
The mind tries to complicate everything. Am I supposed to feel this way, or that way? Yes, if what is felt is not mental noise. Taking away mental definitions of feelings allows the feelings to flow.
The analytical mind still has its place. When using the analytical mind with heightened presence, it becomes razor sharp and undistorted/unhindered by mental noise.
In a scenario where something negative happens, there are two main versions:
Mental noise version = "Fuck my life! I've fucking had it! I just want to blow my fucking brains out!! Fuck everything!!!"
Presence version = I am here.
I've spent more than enough of life with the mental noise version.
I am here.
I hear you. You are not alone. Keep your chin up. You are dearly loved, thank you for all your posts, what you are explaining is what many of us are experiencing.
ReplyDeleteMuch Love Ninja!
Perhaps a mass transformation of sorts. Thank you!
DeleteWhile listening to the pure music that makes me calm, I read your article, which is wonderful. Your language expression makes me feel immersive!!!😋👌
DeleteThis reminds me that many years ago😳, in the mountains where there was no signal and no one, I remembered all the useless beliefs, behaviors and concepts that people argued with each other for trivial matters. I felt like an illusion here. Of course, at night, I could only see the moon in the sky providing a little light, this loneliness, this fear, and I felt at ease even if the members of the cabal were around me.😂